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"When did things start to spin out of control? When did I lose my way?

"Was it when I left Kinn in that alley that night on my birthday?"


"Was it when I cried like a madman in that shower?"


"Was it the day they attacked me in that basement?"


"Was it the day I lost my parents...?"

"I don't know anymore..."

"The only thing I know is that I never imagined finding myself in this deplorable state in my entire life."

Those were the thoughts that were going through Porsche's mind when for the fourth time that week he had gone to Yok's Bar to look for Sheryl, the only one he knew in the city who he could ask for something to numb the pain he felt.

"It's 50 dollars," she told him before handing him that dreadful white powder in a small plastic bag; the one that when injected relieves even the deepest sorrows of the heart.

"Can't you give me a discount?," he asked her, his pale as snow.

"No honey, it's all I have," she told him with a smile, "You'll see it's worth every penny."

Porsche took the package and put it in his pocket quickly before Pete, who was attentive to their conversation, noticed the drug in his hands. But it was late.

"Porsche, what are you doing talking to Sheryl?," his friend asked, worried.

"We're just talking," the girl told him and hurried out, saying goodbye to Porsche.

"What the hell are you doing?" said his friend concerned after Sheryl left.

"Whatever I do is none of your business," he told him rudely, but Pete grabbed his arm tightly and reached into his pocket to pull the package out.

"What is this shit!," Pete said angrily, but Porsche just took the package from him, annoyed.

"Stop meddling where it's none of your business!," he yelled and left the bar in a hurry.

Tay was equally worried about his friend's life. If they didn't stop him it could get very serious, but what could they do if he refused to let them help him?

Porsche quickly left the bar but found himself with the person he least wanted to see.

"Didn't you tell me that drugs were for losers?," it was Jom, the male escort he used to compete with for clients. Apparently now he was number one among the most exclusive members of Yok's Bar, taking Porsche's place.

"What the hell do you want?" Porsche told him rudely.

"I never thought you'd fall for heroin," he told him sarcastically, as if he felt a personal victory seeing Porsche so devastated.

"I can control it," he told him, annoyed.

"The only thing I recommend to you is that you buy your own needles," he said with arrogance, "I hope you're not such an idiot to be sharing."

"Leave me alone," he replied, but Jom grabbed his arm tightly.

"I'm serious, even if I hate you, don't be stupid" he told him concerned and then added, "And if you don't have any veins left in your arms, you can always use the space between your toes."

Porsche didn't know what to say after hearing him say that and preferred to leave quickly since he had to inject himself before going to the agency offices to supervise Porschay's practices.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now