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This would really be one of the most important events in the world of entertainment in Thailand.

All the news programs reported the events of the first day of the trial and debated the different arguments presented by the prosecution and the defense. The evidence of Tawan's car used at the crime scene, Porsche's use of narcotics and the assault on his brother, Porschay were the points on which the greatest emphasis was placed.

However, a clear trend was noticeable: the media placed greater emphasis on the fact that Porsche was an unstable person who had attacked those he loved, so it was not unreasonable to think that maybe, maybe he had invented everything that happened to him.

Even though the physical evidence of his aggression was evident, many influencers took the liberty of stating that Porsche had created all of this to become the victim and generate pity.

The images of Kinn's wedding, when Porsche entered to confront Tawan, began to be broadcast on social networks and commentators wasted no time calling him crazy; emphasizing that only someone out of his mind would be capable of doing something like that and that even his mental instability was what had led him to attempt suicide.

"Who's to say that this young man didn't try to discredit Tawan with such a serious lie just to keep Kinn Teerapanyakul's affections?" said one of Thailand's most important socialites in one of the most popular talk shows in the country, "You all saw how months before Kinn and Tawan's wedding, Kinn cheated with Porsche during his birthday like a heartless man."

"Who can say that he is not using this trial to hurt Tawan even more? Don't they know that the video he showed during the wedding was edited?" said another, "Who is capable of editing a video like that?"

"Who's to say the video isn't fake?" said another commenter, "The judge invalidated it as evidence because it was suspected to be fake."

"Plus we all know how the government is capable of doing anything to destroy a beautiful LGBT couple like Kinn and Tawan to avoid the fight against gay rights and what better way to avoid that debate than with something as scandalous as this," said another commentator.

"Didn't you see that Kinn approached Tawan after the trial to talk to him?" said the first influencer, "If Tawan had done what the authorities say he did, do you think Kinn would have talked to him?"

Pete turned off the TV immediately since he couldn't stand listening to so much nonsense in less than 10 minutes.

"Is that true?" Porsche asked his friends with a hint of sadness, "Was Kinn talking to Tawan?"

"I really don't know," Pete said worriedly, "There's a video on social media of them talking but I don't think it's because of what those morons are saying."

"But what reason would my cousin have to talk to that guy?" Vegas said furiously, "Doesn't he know how that affects Porsche's image?"

"This is turning into hell," Porsche said before standing up to go out to the balcony and breathe a little as he felt overwhelmed.

Seeing him so distressed, Vegas worriedly approached his side to reassure him, but Porsche was undone and he only crossed his arms as if in that simple action he could find a false sense of security.


"Will I ever be able to live my life in peace?," Porsche said with tears in his eyes, "Why is all this happening to me?"

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