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Tawan's lawyer grabbed a folder from his desk and approached Porsche for questioning. Porsche was trembling because, although he had prepared for their questions, he really didn't know what they would tell him.

"Mr. Kittisawasd," Lawyer Cheng said, "How many years did you work as a male escort?"

"Eight years," Porsche said.

"Where did you work?" the lawyer asked.

"At the Fallen Angels in Bangkok's red light district," Porsche responded.

"Did you ever practice BDSM during those eight years?" he asked.

"Yes," Porsche responded without looking at the audience, "When clients required those services."

"Have you ever served several clients at once?" the lawyer asked, "Four or five at a time?"

Porsche was silent for a few seconds since he knew what he was getting at with those questions so he just answered with honesty, "Yes."

"BDSM can be pretty aggressive, can't it?" the lawyer asked.

"BDSM is experienced with the mutual consent of all the parties involved," Porsche responded angrily, "If a person indicates that they are not comfortable and that they want to stop, the dominant must stop."

Ken immediately indicated with his hand that he should calm down so Porsche just breathed while the lawyer continued to ask.

"Evidence 01238695," the attorney said, "Do you know this individual?"

"He was one of my attackers," Porsche responded.

"Are we referring to the attack from August 20 to August 26?," asked the lawyer.

"That's right," Porsche responded.

"Evidence 01238696," said the lawyer, "This is a report from clients of the Fallen Angel's Bar, the establishment where Porsche Kittisawasd worked as a male escort. Could you read the name of the client written in this log?"

"Ren Tredix," Porsche responded.

"Could you read the name of the person who worked with this client?" asked the lawyer.

"It's me," Porsche responded nervously.

"Could you indicate the type of services you provided to this client as detailed in this log?" asked the lawyer.

Porsche was shaking but trying to stay calm and breathe. He responded with difficulty, "BDSM..."

"A moment ago when I showed you evidence 01238695 you claim that Ren Tredix is the same individual who attacked you from August 20 to the 26," said the lawyer looking at the audience, "Isn't that right?"

Porsche was stunned as he didn't know what to respond. He had no idea that one of his attackers had been one of his customers at Yok's Bar. When he looked at Ken he could see that he was nervous about that conclusion and began to look through the documents on his desk.

"He was there," Porsche said nervously, "But I didn't remember that he was one of my clients."

"Didn't you remember?" asked the lawyer, "Isn't that convenient for you?"

"OBJECTION," Ken shouted, "It's speculation."

"It stands," said the Judge.

"I ask again," the lawyer said, "Was your attacker one of your clients with whom you practiced BDSM?"

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