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While Porsche put on his black silk suit in front of the mirror in the room he had at the Main Mansion, he reviewed in his mind in detail each of the movements that he would make that day and that he had been secretly planning for months.

The cards were ready, the main actors were ready, and that infamous video from hell was ready.

That little object that made him nauseated when he saw it but would also be the one that would protect everyone he loved and finally destroy his enemies. A video that would bring about the end of the Teerapanyakul Family as we know it.

"Just a little more and it will all end," he repeated to himself as he realized the magnitude of what the destruction of the house of cards that Kun Korn built for years represented in everyone's life.

"Just a little more," he said as he put the video in his pocket next to that object that would end everything.

Because Porsche knew deep in his heart that he would not get out of all this alive and that...

Kinn's wedding would be one never to be forgotten.



The night on the bridge had destroyed something in Porsche's heart that even he couldn't quite define. Maybe it was the little humanity that he still had left and now there was only... a dark feeling that he couldn't explain.

He kept the promise he made to Kinn, but ever since he entered the Rehabilitation Center, he had experienced the most terrible period of his life.

Withdrawal nearly killed him and being cooped up in one place really was exhausting and unbearable. The headaches and nausea were constant so he prayed to God that they would stop as quickly as possible and end his life.

Somehow, that unpleasant discomfort made him feel that he would never touch that crap again since, after all, he had used it to drive everyone away from his side, but the only thing he had achieved was to worry them.

The therapy with the psychiatrist also seemed like a waste of time since the doctor insisted that he had to talk about issues that made him uncomfortable and Porsche refused to discuss them with a stranger. He was not crazy.

Every day that he remained in that place was hell.

"Thank you for your testimony," the psychiatrist would say to an older man during the group therapy sessions when he shared with the other inmates at the center his experiences with drug addiction.

"Porsche, Is there anything you want to share with the group?" the doctor asked with a smile.

"Not really," he replied, completely uninterested in the activity.

"This is the fifth time you have refused to speak in our sessions," she said with concern.

"Well, I have nothing to say," he answered, annoyed.

"Part of your recovery is that you decide to take part in these sessions," she told him as she jotted down something in her notebook.

"Look doctor, the only reason I'm here is because I made a promise to someone," he said annoyed and got up from his chair to leave the room, not caring that the doctor insisted that he stay.

He preferred to go out into the hallway that overlooked the gardens and leaned against the railing to smoke a cigarette while he thought about what had happened in the last few days.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now