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Porsche was excitedly waiting at the airport and as soon as he saw him, he ran to hug his beloved, "Kinn!"

Kinn dropped the suitcase he was carrying and carried him with all his strength since he had missed him more than he could imagine, to the point that he buried his head in his neck to smell the scent of his body.

"I missed you so much," Kinn told him without letting go of his embrace.

"I missed you too, my love," Porsche told him, giving him a huge kiss regardless of the number of people looking at them in surprise at the airport.

"I can't wait to go home," he told him happily but suddenly the expression on his beloved Porsche changed to one of concern.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked Porsche.

"The reporters and fans are still vigilant waiting for you to return," he said angrily.

"It's been three months," Kinn said annoyed as he grabbed his suitcase from the floor, "How come they don't get tired?"

"News about Tawan are still relevant because every day they release new information corresponding to the case," Porsche said angrily, "Showbiz won't let this scandalous news die."

"And it will be worse when the trial starts," Kinn said worriedly.

"I know," Porsche said, "That's why I thought maybe we could go to my old house for a few months until things calm down."

"Sounds good to me," Kinn told him and they both prepared to leave the airport, but the moment they crossed the international exit gate, it became a nightmare due to the amount of people who were there to welcome Kinn's return.

There were at least 30 cameramen and journalists from all national media, without taking into consideration the hundreds of fans that waited outside with messages of hate towards Porsche.

"Kun Kinn! Could you please answer how the defense of the case is being prepared?!"

"No comment," Kinn said as he tried to make his way through the crowd hand in hand with Porsche.

"When are you going to give statements about the accusations against Tawan?!" they shouted as they were about to crush them by the constant pushing.

"No comment," Kinn kept repeating with every step they took as they tried to push the journalists away to get to the parking lot.

"Porsche, where is the car?" Kinn asked worriedly as he saw the crowd of people approaching them more viciously.

"Vegas is waiting for us at the entrance," he answered and somehow that answer bothered Kinn a lot.

"Damn Porsche! Leave Tawan alone!" an aggressive fan suddenly yelled at and shook a wooden stick to hit Porsche on the head.

Kinn immediately jumped in the middle to stop him and hit him hard in the face, causing the fan to fall to the floor. The camera flashes went off like crazy to the screams of the people while the airport officers tried to control the situation as they arrested the individual.

"Fuck you!" Kinn yelled furiously, about to hit him again, but Porsche stopped him and pulled him by the arm to get into the car quickly since he wanted to avoid a bigger altercation in front of all those cameras.

"Are you okay?" Vegas asked after they got into the car and closed the door, worried at the sight of all those people.

"Just drive," Kinn told him as he placed a sweater over Porsche's head to protect him from the camera flashes that kept taking photos incessantly.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now