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"Tawan I love you and I won't let them hurt you..."

"You'll see that we'll be together soon and no one will dare touch you again..."

As he babbled, the sharp knife glistened beneath his black trench coat. His cold, wild eyes watched Porsche leave the court arguing with someone he didn't recognize.

Holding the handle of the weapon he began to approach as he repeated in a low voice, "Soon, soon Tawan will be safe."



"We will begin the fourth day of trial N-324143 on November 20," the judge said as he reviewed a couple of documents, "We will continue with the prosecution's interrogation of Tawan Naphat Vikairungroj."

"Thank you, your honor," Ken said seriously, "Let him take the witness stand."

Tawan stood up and walked straight to the officer, who repeated his words from the previous day, "Swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."

"I swear," Tawan said.

"Mr. Vikairungroj," Ken said looking him in the eyes seriously, "You mentioned that you went to visit Mr. Kittisawasd during his stay in the hospital after the attack."

"That's right," Tawan said.

"Do you remember what you told him during that visit?," Ken asked.

"It was a long time ago, I don't really remember," he replied.

"That is convenient because during that visit he revealed to Mr. Kittisawasd that he had resumed his relationship to Mr. Kinn Teerapanyakul knowing the delicate condition the victim was in," Ken said seriously.

"I remember asking Porsche that we remain friends despite my relationship with Kinn since I didn't want to lose him," Tawan said sadly, looking in the direction of Porsche, who only glared at him.

"It doesn't seem friendly to tell someone who's been through a traumatic event that you're now with his ex," Ken said angrily.

"OBJECTION," said the lawyer, "It's speculation."

"Your honor, if Mr. Vikairungroj claimed that Mr. Kittisawasd was his friend during his testimony, why attack someone vulnerable with that kind of information during the worst time of his life?," Ken said with coldness.

"It stands," the judge said.

"Why did you tell him that?" Ken asked.

"I just wanted to maintain our friendship, my intention was not to hurt him," Tawan said, "Also at that time I thought he had been in a traffic accident and I didn't think it would affect him."

"An accident?" Ken said confused, "Didn't you say that you knew about the attack on Mr. Kittisawasd and that was why Korn Teerapnayakul kidnapped him?"

"I...I didn't know what they had done to him at that time," Tawan said, "I thought...they had tampered with his motorcycle and that's why he crashed."

"Then why didn't you reveal the truth when Korn Teerapnyakul freed you?" Ken asked.

"I wanted to keep an advantage against Korn in case he wanted to hurt Kinn," Tawan said.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now