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WARNING / DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains content not suitable for children under 21 years of age without adult supervision. It is warned that scenarios that refer to sexual abuse and torture will be presented, so the reader is asked to read this chapter at his own risk.


While Porsche put on his black silk suit in front of the mirror in the room he had at the Main Mansion, he reviewed in his mind in detail each of the movements that he would make that day and that he had been secretly planning for months.

The cards were ready, the main actors were ready, and that infamous video from hell was ready.

That little object that made him nauseated when he saw it but would also be the one that would protect everyone he loved and finally destroy his enemies. A video that would bring about the end of the Teerapanyakul Family as we know it.

"Just a little more and it will all end," he repeated to himself as he realized the magnitude of what the destruction of the house of cards that Kun Korn built for years represented in everyone's life.

"Just a little more," he said as he put the video in his pocket next to that object that would end everything.

Because Porsche knew deep in his heart that he would not get out of all this alive and that...

Kinn's wedding would be one never to be forgotten.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door and made him come back to reality from the things that were spinning in his mind like a terrifying storm.

"Come in," Porsche said as he adjusted the last details of his tuxedo.

"Kun Kinn sent for you," said Big, one of the main family's bodyguards, as he opened the door.

"I'll be there in a moment," he answered as he finished arranging his suit.

They both left together after a few minutes towards Kinn's room among the hundreds of employees who had finished fixing the mansion for that important date, who carried hundreds of decorations, flowers, lamps, and tables.

The closer he got to the heir's room, the more Porsche felt nervous, but he had to calm his heart so that everything he would do that afternoon would be successful.

He knocked on the door slowly and a familiar voice from inside told him, "Come in."

He opened the door slowly and there was Kinn, in a white silk suit, the man who made his heart race.

"You sent for me," Porsche said with a warm smile.

"Yeah...Umm, I don't know how to fix my bowtie," he said with a warm smile, holding the cloth in his hand.

"Well, I can do it for you," he said cheerfully and reached over to settle it around his neck.

They were both silent as Porsche buttoned up his shirt and adjusted his bowtie until suddenly Kinn grabbed his hand and said, "Let's get out of here."


"Escape with me and let's leave all this behind," he said, looking at him tenderly, but Porsche couldn't look back at him and just continued arranging his wedding suit.

"Where would we go?" he said with a smile.

"To the beach," Kinn told him, "Away from here and all this."

"It would be beautiful," he replied, looking into his eyes.

"Then let's go," he said, taking his hand with a smile.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now