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"Dr. Terra," Ken said as he questioned the specialist witness, "Could you tell me the effect that blackmail has on a human being's mental health?"

"Constant situations of emotional blackmail can be a source of stress, anxiety and depression," said the specialist.

"Do you consider that the messages that Tawan sent to Mr. Kittisawasd's phone as shown in evidence 012385 constantly after the attack constitutes this type of situation?" Ken asked.

"Absolutely," the doctor responded and began to point out features of the conversation that was presented on a projector in the court as evidence, "By observing these text messages you can see that the patient demonstrates emotional stress and anxiety as he begs his extortionist not to reveal the information. He takes advantage of the fact that he has him prisoner to manipulate him at will to make him do what he wants."

"Is it likely that this emotional stress brought him to the brink of suicide?" Ken asked.

"Blackmail triggers depression so it is very likely that it is one of the main causes of Mr. Kittisawasd's suicide attempt and his emotional stress," responded the medical specialist.

"If we were to talk about a percentage," Ken indicated, "What would the probability be that these messages contributed to his attempt?"

"It's 80% likely the cause of his suicide attempt," she noted.

"Can this type of emotional stress generate long-term consequences?" asked the prosecutor.

"That's right," said the specialist, "It can lead to panic attacks, insomnia, anguish and anxiety."

"No more questions your honor," Ken said.

"The witness is now for the defense," the judge noted and Tawan's lawyer immediately stood up to question the specialist.

"Doctor, is it true that Mr. Kittisawasd already had depressive traits prior to the attack he experienced?," the lawyer indicated.

"It's true," the doctor declared.

"Is it true that Mr. Kittisawasd had previously attempted suicide?"

"That's right," the doctor said.

"Then you do not consider it irresponsible to indicate that there was an 80% probability that emotional blackmail, which has not yet been proven to be on the part of Mr. Tawan Naphat Vikairungroj, was the main cause of his suicide," the lawyer asked firmly.

"His depression was intensified by the emotional blackmail he experienced," the lawyer responded.

"Is there any scientific way to determine that the depression that led to Mr. Kittisawasd's suicide attempt has to do with emotional blackmail and not a precondition that he was previously experiencing?"

"No," the doctor indicated, "But it could have been a determining factor in making that fateful decision."

"Evidence 012386, one of Mr. Kittisawasd's multiple suicide letters on the night of January 6," the attorney stated and Porsche immediately nearly fainted upon hearing him say that.

How was it possible that they had access to those letters? Who gave them the letters? The only person who had those letters... was Vegas.

Porsche returned to see Vegas scared, but he looked just as confused by this event as this was all very strange.

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