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Kinn had fallen asleep on the sheets after spending the night drinking and crying, so he woke up with a terrible hangover late in the afternoon, finding himself alone in the apartment he shared with his lover.

But why wouldn't Porsche leave him after he treated him so badly?

Kinn had intended to hurt the person he loved the most and that pain hunted his soul. It had been his desire to protect him the emotion that so easily transformed into a need to hurt him with something that he knew would hurt him deeply in an unreasonable attempt to enslave him by his side.

As he got up to drink some water to keep away those nightmarish thoughts that filled his hangover mind, he noticed on the counter a brochure for a photography exhibition that said, "Behind the Red Velvet," a photojournalism project by Vegas Teerapanyakul and Porsche Kittisawasd.

And the date... The exhibition was that night.

Kinn had to go find his beloved and beg him to forgive him. He couldn't leave things as they were since it hurt him more to think that Porsche hated him for what he did to him than for the fact that he wasn't by his side. So he got dressed in a hurry, he took his car keys and went right away in search of him.

Upon arriving at the venue, he realized that hundreds of people had attended the elegant event and there was little space to park his car so he had to leave it in one of the nearby buildings and walk back to the exhibition.

As he walked back, he wondered why Porsche didn't tell him that he was working on this project. Didn't he tell him that he would support his dreams like he supported his? Or did Porsche think he would be against it?

Most likely... he would have told him not to do it if he worked together with Vegas.

God, why was he so possessive of him? Had everything they had experienced in those years not allowed Kinn to trust Porsche?

Upon entering the exhibition hall that was packed with attendees, he observed large black and white photographs up to two meters high hanging on the walls, detailing images related to white slavery and prostitution in the city.

From young people who were barely reaching puberty to older adults, who sold themselves on street corners for a few cents to survive. The images beautifully portrayed their sad reality.

These photographs were a reflection of the daily life of Bangkok prostitutes. From portraits with their families that they fought daily to protect, to the hard moments in which they were attacked by their clients when they did not do what they wanted.

The exhibition was raw, realistic and unvarnished, but artistically beautiful. You could see the expert eye of the photographers who managed to capture the essence of the protagonists, giving it a realistic and powerful tint.

Suddenly, a photo at the end of a corridor where dramatic images of child prostitution were displayed caught his attention. It showed a small child cinnamon skinned boy with white angelic wings and makeup with details of golden frost.

He didn't need to read the inscription to know who the little boy was since he would recognize those beautiful eyes anywhere.

It was Porsche...

His childish face looked sad and his little eyes watched the audience raising the paddles for the auction. Even though Kinn knew that his beloved was 14 years old in that image, he looked much younger than that. He was like a little child, fragile and lonely.

Kinn couldn't help but reach out to touch that little boy's face as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"White slave trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal industries, generating around 150 million dollars annually," said one of the speakers, "A large percentage of that business comes from child prostitution according to UN data."

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now