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Pete slowly got out of bed, feeling sore after Vegas' aggressive reaction to his betrayal. Although he didn't really know what hurt him more in those moments, his body or his broken heart.

The angry expression with which Vegas looked at him and the cruel way with which he told him that he hated him broke him to the depths of his soul, leaving him on the verge of tears. He felt like a complete wretch.It took him some time to get out of bed and when he left the room, he noticed that Vegas was no longer anywhere to be seen. Apparently he had taken a suitcase and picked up some clothes in a hurry. Most likely he would never want to see him again.

And why would he do it? He considered Pete to be partly responsible for what had happened to his beloved mother, perhaps the person he had loved most in his life.

"Pete..." he heard a small voice address him. It was Venice, crying hidden under the dining room table hugging a plush doll. His innocent little face was red and swollen, causing Pete to feel devastated by that cute expression.

Pete approached the little boy, hugged him tightly while the little boy left his tears on his shirt as he held him against his chest.

"Everything's okay," Pete told the little boy as he tenderly stroked his hair, but he didn't know how true his words were after what he heard Vegas say. He had referred to the little one with such contempt that he most likely would not want to see him again.

"Did Vegas hurt you?" Venice asked worriedly when he saw the marks on his neck, placing his little hands on the bruises.

"No Venice," he told him with a look full of pain, "I was the one who hurt him."

"Why?" the boy asked but Pete just continued stroking his head soothingly.

Suddenly the door to the apartment burst open. They were Porsche, Porschay, Kim and Ken who arrived in search of him. Just by seeing the expression on his best friend's face, Pete knew that what he was going to say to him was not good.

"We need to talk," Porsche said with a cold tone in his voice.

Pete took the little boy by the hand and said sweetly, "Venice, I need you to go to your room please and wait there until I come to see you."

"Pete..." the little boy didn't want to let go and clung to his shirt, but he only gave him a kind smile assuring the boy that he had nothing to worry about, "Go to your room and wait for me there until I go to see you."

The little boy hugged his doll and entered the room without questioning anything else. When the door closed, Pete addressed the rest of his audience, "I know what you're about to say but what we have to talk about is long so please sit down."

They all took seats in the living room, leaving Pete alone in the armchair by the fireplace in front of them. They were all silent for a few moments until Ken spoke, "Pete, is what Tawan revealed at the trial about you true?"

Pete took a deep breath and answered with certainty, "It's true. I worked for Khun Korn for several years."

Porsche's face immediately changed and was filled with rage. He was holding his temple as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing and the only thing that managed to come out of his mouth at that moment was, "Why?"

It was the same question that Vegas asked him so Pete couldn't help but feel terrible and as tears welled up in his eyes he managed to answer, "I'm so sorry Porsche, believe me I'm sorry."

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now