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Life often gives us situations that surpass us. Sometimes we believe that we must face them alone, but in the least expected place we can find support to face those challenges.

Those blessings that we take for granted or refuse to look at are the guides that God has placed in this world to help us navigate the deepest darkness.

Porsche believed that in this life he was alone to face the trials, but in the least expected place, he found someone just as broken to overcome the pain together. In a bar in Bangkok's red light district he found that beautiful man with intense black eyes who would change his life forever.

And as he put on his silver sun charm bracelet in front of the mirror he couldn't stop thinking about how lucky he was to have Kinn in his life.

Surprisingly, he wasn't nervous. Rather, it was the first time that he was completely sure of the decision he was making and it filled him with excitement to think that he was just a few minutes away from uniting his life with Kinn forever.

"You look good," Porschay told him from the door, admiring his brother's smile in his wedding suit. Since he was a child, he had not seen him smile like that, so he felt deep happiness to see Porsche so happy. Deep in his heart, Porschay longed for that face full of joy that seemed to hide the days when it looked like the face of a dark shadow.

"I never thought I'd be able to experience something like this," Porsche said as he laughed.

His brother happily hugged him tightly before saying, "Our parents would be very proud of you."

"Do you really think so?" Porsche said with a couple of tears of joy left his eyes upon hearing those words and remembering his beloved parents who were watching him from above.

"Everything you've done for me, all the strength you have, I'm really proud that you're my brother," Porschay said as he brushed a couple of his older brother's hairs behind his ear, "Although it makes me a little sad that you are now part of a new family."

"Porschay, you will always be the light of my world," Porsche told his brother as he adjusted the collar of his shirt, "Without you in my life... I really don't know what would have happened to me. I wouldn't have been able to bear everything that happened to me."

Porsche began to cry lightly but Porschay smiled sweetly at him as he wiped away his sweet tears and said looking him in the eyes, "I'm the one who wouldn't have survived if you hadn't been by my side. Everything you had to go through for my well-being, there really is nothing I can do in this world to give you everything you gave me."

"Porschay... you will always be my family," Porsche said with a smile, "That won't change for a single day."

They both hugged each other because despite all the problems they experienced in the past, the love they had for each other was never going to change the blood bond that united them. That unconditional feeling they had as brothers was more powerful than any pain.

After breaking the hug they both laughed like they hadn't since they were little children. It was as if the days when they had suffered so much together had been erased. The days of hunger, pain, anguish and worry were already a thing of the past.

"Porsche..." interrupted Kinn, who was wearing a beautiful white suit with a black lapeled jacket. He looked very handsome but his face showed nervousness.

"I know," Porsche said with a warm smile after seeing him so handsome. He approached his future husband and held his hand tenderly, "Let's go to that meeting together."

He momentarily bid his brother farewell and kissed Kinn's cheek reassuringly before telling him, "Everything is going to be okay, don't worry."

Kinn smiled, trying to pretend that he was not anxious, so Porsche held him tightly before preparing to leave for the presidential suite where Tankhun and Kim were waiting for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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