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4 hours...

And there was still no response from the jury and the tension in the air was overwhelming for everyone waiting for the final result.

To pass the time, some of the spectators of this controversial trial talked about trivial things, breaking news, family, gossip about the most interesting celebrities or sports, trying to distract themselves; while others, especially the reporters, rested on the benches outside the courthouse trying to fall asleep after long days of work.

However, Porsche was lost in thought in the waiting room while he watched the cup of coffee cooling in his hands since his future would depend on that verdict and he reflected on whether he would ever find the peace of mind he was looking for.

If Tawan was found innocent then he would be involved in a possible trial for tampering with evidence while if he was guilty...

If he was guilty, would he find the peace he had always sought but which was so elusive?

"Porsche," Ken said, placing his hand on his shoulder, "The jury has the verdict."

Those five words made Porsche's heart race to the maximum and his hands began to shake. Sensing his nervousness, Ken held his hand tightly and gave him a reassuring smile.

But in those moments there was nothing that could take away the fear that he felt in his heart due to the uncertainty of what would happen in the next few minutes.

"I thought they'd deliberate longer," Vegas said a little nervously.

"No need to be alarmed by that," Ken said calmly.

"I don't know how you can be so calm," said Khun, biting his nails from the anguish he felt.

Porsche's friends, along with the attendees, entered the court between nervousness and anguish before the attentive gaze of the national press.

"Everyone please stand up to greet the honorable judge Torn Raeter," the officer said and everyone stood up. The judge reviewed some documents and invited everyone to sit down.

"We are going to give the verdict of trial N324143," he said as he reviewed the last formal details, "Is the accused Tawan Naphat Vikairungroj in the courtroom?"

"Yes, your honor," said lawyer Cheng.

"Is the victim Porsche Pachara Kittisawasd?" he asked again.

"Yes, your honor," said prosecutor Ken Tanawakan.

"Let's call the jury," said the judge with a serious look on his face and the officer knocked on the debate room door. The twelve jurors entered the courtroom and took their seats. The group was quite heterogeneous and diverse, so a relatively objective outcome was expected.

"We will begin with the first charge of blackmail," the judge said seriously, addressing the jury, "Please, defendant, stand."

Tawan, along with his lawyer, stood up while the foreman of the jury stood up holding a document that he prepared to read, "The verdict of the jury for the charge of blackmail with a stipulated custodial sentence of three to five years in prison, the jury finds Tawan Naphat Vikairungroj innocent of all charges."

The moment the word innocent rang in Porsche's ears, he felt dizzy, so he just closed his eyes since for many reasons he knew that was what would happen, while Tawan smiled victoriously at that result.

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