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This was the fifth time the bank had called him to find out about his pending payment, not counting the countless emails and text messages insisting on the deadline to pay off the debt he had with them.

Porsche was so fed up with being called to his phone that he had already blocked the number from the call center and yet they kept finding ways to contact him.

He really was desperate.

But Vegas's proposal that night, attractive as it was, only haunted him to his core. If it had been another client, he would most likely have happily accepted without conditions, but it was Kinn's cousin and he found that situation very uncomfortable.

"I think you need to relax a bit more," Vegas told Porschey as he snapped promotional images for the company's website. It was the first time that the fans were going to see him, so the young boy was very nervous that they will not be what they expected.

"Put your hand gently under your chin," he told him, pulling out a couple more takes. Suddenly he lowered the camera and approached the boy, adjusted his clothes a bit and took another photo, but it seemed that he was not satisfied.

"I think we need to change your look, this outfit is not suitable, we need something more appealing," Vegas said and the stylist brought a see-through open shirt, which Porsche instantly found inappropriate.

"My brother isn't going to wear that," he said angrily, taking the garment from the production assistant's hands.

"Porsche, what doesn't show doesn't sell," Vegas said, taking it off and handing the set over to Porschey.

"Fuck 'em," he replied to Vegas and immediately ripped the shirt from his brother's hand off in a rage.

"Brother....," Porschey said, taking his arm and worried that the photographer was going to be annoyed with his attitude and not take his photos, but he pulled away.

"I'm not going to let you show off like that, you're a minor and I don't agree," he said annoyed and Vegas with a smile tossed the shirt into the air.

"Whatever you say is law," he said flirtatiously and picked up a pair of extravagant but more appropriate items for his younger brother to wear.

Porsche realized that Vegas was just playing with him when he saw that he smiled cheekily and that annoyed him greatly.

His brother took the most appropriate clothes from the assistant and went to change in the dressing room while Vegas adjusted the camera shutter.

This whole situation made Porsche very uncomfortable and he couldn't help but wonder if he was doing the right thing by accepting that his brother would enter the world of show business. He thought about what his parents would think if they saw him display himself like that and it only saddened him.

So he tried to put that idea out of his mind as he gazed thoughtfully out the window, remembering how when he was a child his mother had asked him to swear that he would always take care of his younger brother.

His parents... Why couldn't he go back to that golden childhood with his parents?

Suddenly, he began to hear the camera flash and realized that Vegas was taking pictures of him while he was pensive.

"What are you doing?" he asked, confused.

"I'm just testing the light," he said, taking another picture of him.

"Then stop because I don't like having my photos taken without my permission," he replied.

"Well, you're good at it, the camera loves you," he replied as he reviewed the beautiful images he took of the tan-skinned boy illuminated by natural sunlight through the window.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now