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Porsche woke up without knowing where he was, still stunned by the blow to the temple that Tawan gave him before putting him in the trunk of the car. His hands were tied, his head hurt badly and he could tell that the car was moving at high speed.

Where the hell was he taking him? Was he perhaps on a road? What was that bastard planning to do with him?

Through the back seat he could hear him talking to someone loudly over the car's speaker and he could only pray that it wasn't Kinn. But who did he want to fool? That crazy man was obsessed with his beloved and would never leave him alone unless he did something to stop it.

"Leave him alone!" Porsche shouted desperately as he kicked the trunk of the car looking for a way to free himself, "Do whatever you want to me but don't hurt him!"

But Tawan only accelerated, as if indicating that he was not willing to listen to his pleas no matter how much he begged him.

"Don't involve him in this!" Porsche shouted desperately, as he tried to free himself from his restraints.

"Shut up!" Porsche heard Tawan shout across the back seats as Tawan drove quickly and continued talking to someone on the phone. From where Porsche was, it was difficult for him to distinguish what they were saying.

Suddenly the car stopped suddenly, indicating that it had reached its destination. He heard quick footsteps on the gravel and suddenly the trunk flew open. The sunlight bothered Porsche's eyes for a few moments until he noticed Tawan pointing the gun at him as he yelled, "Move."

He grabbed his arm and forcibly pulled him out of the car, throwing him to the stone floor causing him to scrape his knees and hands. Porsche tried to sit up slowly but the moment he lifted his head he realized the terrible place Tawan had taken him to.

It was the Rateeranir Mansion...

That bastard brought him to that cursed place where he had been tortured to the point of bringing him to the brink of death. That demonic house where those guys sexually abused him and tortured him, trapping him in an endless spiral of pain and bitterness.

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I BEG YOU!, DON'T TAKE ME THERE!" was the only thing Porsche managed to shout before Tawan pushed him to the floor again and grabbed him by the handcuffs he had placed in Porsche's wrists in order to drag him across the stone floor.

"PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME THERE," Porsche screamed desperately trying to stop him from bringing him into that damn house, "LET ME GO I'M BEGGING YOU!"

"Let's finish what we started!" Tawan shouted at Porsche as he dragged him across the door of the house. If the circumstances had been different, Porsche could have defended himself against his aggression, run and freed himself, but he was paralyzed with fear. Memories of those days in captivity returned to his mind like poison and trapped him within his own body.

He could only scream, "PLEASE! DON'T TAKE ME THERE!!"

But Tawan was filled with hatred. He mercilessly dragged and hit Porsche, who felt like he could no longer breathe as he was carried down that dark hallway. He knew that he had to react but it was almost impossible for him to do so because the muscles in his body did not respond.

Suddenly the smell of humidity entered Porsche's lungs like fire and that unusual cold sensation pierced his skin like knives. The bastard was taking him right to the basement where they had locked him up.

"No... please," Porsche no longer had the strength to scream, "Kill me... but don't take me there..."

"But you belong here," Tawan told him like a madman as he held him tightly by the face and spat at him, "This is your natural state."

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now