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Trials allow us to know, not only the victim and the events that led to a particular crime happening, but also the reasons behind the actions of a perpetrator and above all...

If he considers himself guilty of what he did or not.

And the day before the trial of this story begins, during a time of uncertainty in which the hearts of all those involved in this crime are vulnerable, we will tell you about...



A villain is the protagonist of his own story.

There are two sides of the same coin and there are life situations where sometimes we cloud our judgment out of selfishness since we are only interested in what affects us directly.

But if we only see things from our point of view, we limit our perception of reality to the point of being unfair, harsh, and unforgiving to someone who may not deserve it.

What would happen if we looked at a person from his perspective? What if he told us his story personally? We may even be surprised by the events that led him to do what he did.

Because although in our eyes Tawan is the monster of Porsche's nightmares, he was once loved by Kinn to the point of driving him crazy.

Although we see him as a detestable and immoral being capable of committing the worst atrocities, Vegas loved him to the point of seeking revenge because he couldn't stand not having him by his side.

Do you really know his story? Is he perhaps that monster that we all believe he is?

In this life, no one is black or white, we all carry shades of gray that can sometimes hide the best that we keep deep in our hearts...

"Evil hides the better angels of our nature"

Extreme loneliness can be the worst of enemies since it allows our mind to play with our most innocent emotions, even creating happy imaginary worlds where we can secretly reach a beautiful reality that does not exist but of which we would like to be part of.

A lonely boy escaping into his imaginary world, a childhood isolated from the world, that was Tawan's childhood...

Even though he had everything his heart was capable of wanting, he lived in extreme loneliness to the point that his only company were those imaginary ideas where he felt loved and valued. That unreal world was very different from the reality where her mother lost herself in tears and alcohol, his only contact with her being the insults and physical attacks he received in revenge for the beatings his father gave her.

So when his mother died from one of those many beatings he did not feel sad to lose her since the scars on his skin would be enough memory to remember her until the end of her days.

But the violence did not stop with the death of his mother and his father continued to take out his anger on him.

But Tawan longed so much in his childhood to receive love that he never argued with him about anything and obeyed him in everything he ordered, waiting for him in vain to give him a little affection that never came.

He found some solace in art, which allowed him to express his deepest feelings without arousing the attention of his violent father, with his music being his favorite as it was the best way to project his deepest emotions.

Thanks to music, over time he managed to change the perception of his peers. Those who saw him in his childhood as a spoiled child, unable to cope with his bullies, recognized him as a handsome and talented young man.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora