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Porsche's work was physical, so after each night he was completely exhausted and could barely wake up at noon to prepare lunch for his brother when he came home from school.

But nowadays, as soon as the appointments with his clients were over, he had to hurry to the SMC offices to accompany his brother during the morning to the activities planned for that day since he was his legal guardian.

He barely managed to sleep a couple of minutes on the bus before entering rehearsals and he could only recover from the fatigue he felt by drinking a strong coffee.

Slowly, between acting, dancing and musical composition classes, the hours began to mix in his head and a thick fog clouded his mind.

At nightfall it was the same story. After the hectic day with Porschey, which sometimes lasted until late in the afternoon, Porsche would take public transport again, rest a little and return to work.

"You're dead," Pete told him, trying to hide his dark circles with makeup as one of the dancers held his head for the stylist to comb his hair while he momentarily closed his eyes to rest.

"God, something is going to happen to this boy," the girl said as she carefully smoothed his hair so as not to wake him up.

Suddenly Yok rushed in yelling at the top of her lungs, "Porsche! You have five minutes to go on stage!"

He woke up even more exhausted and just nodded as he hurriedly adjusted his clothes, outlining his figure in the red lingerie he was wearing.

But he couldn't take it anymore because of the fatigue he had been carrying for days and, before going on stage, one of the dancers stopped him for a few moments, "Just this once, take this."

Porsche knew exactly what that thing was as he had seen it thousands of times in the room of his most select clients. It was cocaine.

"I appreciate it, but no," he answered her with a weary smile.

"You're going to pass out from exhaustion if you continue at this rate without help," the girl told him, worried when she saw that he could barely stand up. But Porsche couldn't accept it since he swore to himself not to try such stupid things for the sake of his brother.

"Only this time, Porsche," and she handed him the package. He held it in his hands for a few minutes since he really needed something to wake him up, but he left it on the dresser and hurried off to dance.

But after performing a routine full of stunts in the tube, his body couldn't take it anymore. So he fell on the chair and began to fall fast asleep despite the deafening bustle around him.

"Porsche!," Yok yelled at the top of his lungs again waking him from his sleep.

Damn it, he felt anger rise up against that idiot, "What the hell do you want?!"

"Madame Slone has been waiting for you for 10 minutes," he said, tapping him on the cheek a couple of times to wake him up.

He wasn't going to put up with a round of active sex with the exhaustion he had on top of him. If it was the other way he could have just stayed still and maybe fall asleep, but with this client it wouldn't be possible since she liked rough sex.

So he took the little bag with the white powder from the shelf, he made a line with a debit card and after thinking if he should use it for several minutes, he sniffed hard.

After a few minutes he only felt a severe headache but suddenly he began to experience a shock of energy that invaded him. So he got dressed in a hurry as well as he could and went out to meet his client.

THE ECLIPSE - The Dangerous Drug of Sex (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now