Pablo Gavira

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Date made: 14-12-22

Name: Y/n
Stats: Dating


Today I couldn't go to work since Pablo was sick. I made sure for him to take some test just incase. Right now he was upstairs in our room sleeping and it was now 9am since I knew I had to make the soup now or else it's gonna take forever. I had to check up on him every 15-30 minutes trying to convince him to take his medicine. I decided to call his sister since I had no idea on how they gave him medicine " Oye, t/n! " (Hey y/n! ) Aurora said "Oye, Aurora, entonces Pablo está enfermo en este momento y se niega a tomar su medicamento, ¿cómo lo haces? " (Hey Aurora so Pablo is sick right now and he refuses to take his medicine how do you do it?)

"Oh, fácil, dale tiempo, pero también necesitas convencerlo mucho, así que dale razones por las que debería tomarlo" (Oh easy give him time but also you need to convince him a lot so give him reasons why he should take it) she said.

"Gracias Aurora" "De nada y/n" (You're welcome y/n). I hung up and started to make my way upstairs. I knocked on the door "Adelante" (Come in) Pablo said. I came in and he gave me that look when he saw the medicine"no no no no lo hare t/n" (no no no I'm not doing it y/n) "por favor Gavi te hará sentir mejor te lo prometo" I said (Please Gavi it will make you feel better)

"No t/n, no lo haré aunque de alguna manera me convenzas." (No y/n I won't do it even if you somehow convince me).

I went over to him "¿Qué estás haciendo?" (What are you doing)

"Estoy sentado a tu lado hasta que decidas tomar este medicamento." (I'm just sitting next to you until you decide to take this medicine)

"Bueno, no va a suceder ahora, no importa lo que pase." (Well it isn't gonna happen now no matter what) he said

After a few minutes he started to sneeze and cough worse. I think he might have the flu if I got to be honest..

"vete a otro lado no quiero que te enfermes" (Go somewhere else I don't want you to get sick) Gavi said

"No me iré a ningún lado a menos que tomes este medicamento." ( I'm not going anywhere unless you take this medicine)

"¿Qué hay de la sopa?" (What about the soup) he said smirking

"Ya está, solo falta tomar la medicina y llist" ( it's done, you just need to take this medicine and that's it) his smile then dropped leaving a 'are you serious' face

"no lo voy a tomar" (I'm not going to take it)

¿Qué tal un trato? ¿Te doy la sopa y tú tomas la medicina y terminamos? " (How about a deal? I give you the soup you take the medicine and we're done?)

"Tal vez... lo pensaré" (Maybe.. I'll think)

I got up and started to make my way to the door. "lo hare y te amo" ( I'll do it and I love you) Pablo said "gracias mi amor te amo" (thank you my love, I love you to) I said giving him a peck on the cheek. I went to the kitchen and started to warm up the soup a little and started to put it in the bowl. I made some tea with honey to soothe his throat since he did said it was bothering him and his voice sounds deeper than it normally is.

I started to carefully go up the stairs since I didn't want to spill anything. I opened the door to see Pablo still laying on the bed probably thinking of his decision. "Gracias mi Amor" (thank you my love) he said. I smiled and told him

" de nada y tomarás tu medicina una vez que hayas terminado con todo" (you're welcome and you will take your medicine once you're done)

"Mhm" he said eating his soup I turned on the TV so he can watch something "Gracias" he said "De Nada" I replied. He patted down on the bed for me to sit next to him, so I sat down.

"sabes que te amo, y sé que a veces puedo ser terco" (you know I love you, and I know I can be stubborn sometimes) he said. I then layed my head on his shoulders

"lo se pablo pero eso es algo que me gusta de ti, si te soy sincero es dificil convencerte." (I know Pablo, but that's something I like about you, if I got to be honest it's hard to convince you) I said

"Sí, mi familia siempre dice eso." (Yes, my family always say that) Pablo said

"Sabes que ahora te vas a enfermar" ( you know now you're gonna get sick) he said

" si lo se pero al menos no estare solo" (yes I know but at least I don't have to be alone) I said smiling at him, while he is eating his soup.

He looked at me and said "¿Quién te dijo cómo convencerme?" (Who told you on how to convince me?)

"un pajarito me dijo" (A little bird told me) I said

"Aurora" he said

I laughed and he smiled at me. We shared eye contact and he started to lean in. And I started to lean in and we kissed it was a passionate one. He started to out one of his hands on my jaw line and I started to out both of my arms around his neck. I pulled away and he gave me one of his goofy smiles

" ¿qué? ¿Hay algo en mi cara?" (What? Do I have something on my face? )

"No, pero ahora estás enfermo." (No, but now you're sick) he said keeping his smile.

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