Lamine Yamal

967 15 3

Date made: 03/12/2023

Name: Y/n

Status: Best friends (or girlfriend)

Third Person POV

Yamal has been on the Barcelona team for some time now, he was playing a match to see if Barca would qualify for the Champions League.

When the match was over, Lamine was disappointed, even though they did qualify. He had not performed as well as he had hoped. He felt like he had let his team down. He had made a few mistakes, and it seemed like his opponents had been playing better than him.

He went back to the locker room in a daze. He was feeling down and discouraged. He felt like he wasn't good enough to be part of the team. He was about to start packing up his things when his best friend, Y/n, came in and approached him with a comforting smile.

Y/n had always been there to support him through thick and thin, both on and off the pitch. Sensing Lamine's distress, Y/n placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Lamine," Y/n said softly, already knowing why he wasn't in the best mood. "Has llegado tan lejos y has logrado tanto en tan poco tiempo. Este es solo un partido"(You've come so far and achieved so much in such a short time. This is just one match)

Lamine looked up at Y/n, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Pero defraudé al equipo"(But I let the team down) he murmured. "No lo hiciste, aún así jugaste bien, incluso hiciste una asistencia" (You didn't, you still played good, you even did an assist) Y/n said as she reminded him that he was still new to this, and that just because he didn't think he did well on a game, is okay.

Y/n's words were comforting to Lamine. He felt like he was able to relax and take a breath. He thanked her for her support and for understanding his situation. He appreciated that Y/n was there to listen to him and to help him feel better.

Lamine was grateful to have a best friend like Y/n to support him and to help him through tough times. He was also grateful for the opportunity to play for Barcelona and to pursue his passion.

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