Alejandro Balde

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Date made: 11/11/23

Name: Y/n
Status: Dating

Third Person POV

Alejandro Balde sat in his room, staring at his phone, waiting for Y/n's call. They had made plans to meet up and spend some quality time together, but as the hours passed, there was no sign of her. Doubt crept into Alejandro's mind, and a mix of concern and frustration began to brew. He paced back and forth in his apartment, glancing at his phone every few minutes, desperately hoping for a missed call or a message from Y/n.

The hours stretched on, and Alejandro couldn't shake off the feeling of disconnection. He questioned himself: what could have happened? Was she upset with him? Did she forget their plans? These thoughts swirled around his mind, fueling a growing sense of unease.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Alejandro couldn't contain his frustration any longer. He picked up his phone and dialed Y/n's number. It rang twice and went to voicemail. Alejandro sighed, feeling a mixture of disappointment and worry. "I just thought you would have called," he muttered to himself, trying not to let his emotions get the best of him.
The next morning, Alejandro woke up to find a text from Y/n apologizing for not calling. "I'm not upset," Alejandro promptly replied, despite feeling a twinge of annoyance. He understood that life could get in the way sometimes, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that Y/n's lack of communication had hurt him a little.
Alejandro and Y/n where on their dinner date. However, there was always a small voice in the back of Alejandro's mind, reminding him of that night when he anxiously waited for Y/n's call. As they were sipping their drinks waiting for the food to come, Alejandro decided to address the issue that had been lingering in his heart. "Y/n, we had plans yesterday night and you didn't call?" he asked, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible.
Y/n looked up, surprise evident in their eyes. "Oh, that! I apologize again, Alejandro. I didn't mean to worry you. Something unexpected came up, and I completely lost track of time." Alejandro nodded, trying to understand. "I know we're a bit past that incident, but it bothered me a little. I just thought you would have called to let me know."
"It's not about being upset," he whispered, his tone softened while he fiddled with his fingers. "I just wanted to hear from you. I care about you, and when I didn't, uncertainty consumed me." Y/n's expression softened, and she reached out to hold Alejandro's hand. "I'm sorry if I made you feel neglected or unimportant, Alejandro. It was never my intention. I promise to communicate better in the future."
Alejandro squeezed Y/n's hand gently, appreciating their honesty. "I believe you, Y/n. I know we all make mistakes, and it means a lot to me that you understand how I felt."
From that day forward, Alejandro and Y/n made a conscious effort to improve their communication. They realised that misunderstandings could arise when one person's expectations didn't align with the other's actions. It was a lesson in empathy and understanding, strengthening their bond and bringing them closer together.
As time went on, Alejandro learned the importance of expressing his emotions and concerns, while Y/n became more attentive to their partner's needs. Their relationship blossomed into a secure and trusting connection, built on the foundation of open communication.
In the end, Alejandro and Y/n understood that misunderstandings were bound to happen, but what truly mattered was how they chose to address and resolve them. They both realized that by talking things through and seeking understanding, they could overcome any obstacle that came their way.
And so, Alejandro and Y/n grew stronger as a couple, cherishing the love they shared and the lessons they had learned along the way. In their hearts, they knew that a simple phone call had been the catalyst for transforming their relationship into something even more beautiful and resilient.

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