Lionel Messi~Requested

469 17 0

Date made: 24-09-2023

Name: Y/n
Status: Dating

Third Person POV

Leo Messi and Y/n are married and have 3 kids. Y/n is a well known and loved Real Madrid assistant but they still fall in love and form a family but during El Classico the cameras often zoom in on her in the bench and the kids in the VIP's section so see who they are supporting and create drama the next day but Messi sets records straight by saying that she was doing her job and their kids were allowed to support whoever they was. (add a lot of fluff and a little bit of angst)

As fate would have it, El Clásico became more than just a battle on the field. The cameras relentlessly focused on Y/n in the heat of the game, capturing every emotion etched upon her face. And in the VIP section, their adorable children were caught in the crossfire of divided loyalties. The next day, drama ensued as speculations ran wild, and what made it worse was that Leo had a press conference to attend.

As Leo walked in into the room filled with cameras and journalists he sat down on the chair waiting for the questions, after some time the questions weren't bad they were just asking about the game and a little fight that happened between him and Sergio (Ramos), until one of them asked "Así que leo, por favor, díganos a quién S / n y sus hijos están animando y por qué está trabajando con uno de sus equipos rivales." (So leo please tell us who Y/n and your kids are cheering for and along with why she is working with one of your rival team). Leo didn't want to answer that question, "Mis hijos son libres de apoyar a cualquier equipo que elijan"(My kids are free to support whichever team they choose) Leo replied curtly. "Sus preferencias no deberían ser un asunto para el público"(Their preferences shouldn't be a matter to the public) The room fell silent for a moment, but the journalists persisted, probing into Y/n's decision to work for their archrivals. A spark of anger ignited within Messi, fueling his response. "Y/n es una persona independiente que toma sus propias decisiones profesionales"(Y/n is an independent individual who makes her own career choices) he said, his voice tinged with irritation. "Sus decisiones profesionales no tienen nada que ver con mi carrera futbolística o nuestras vidas personales. No es tu lugar cuestionar sus motivos" (Her professional decisions have nothing to do with my football career or our personal lives. It's not your place to question her motives.)

As the tension simmered in the room, Messi's words stood firm; boundaries had been drawn. The press now understood that some lines were not meant to be crossed, even in their relentless pursuit of stories. With that, Leo Messi ended the press conference abruptly, leaving behind a lingering message: some things are better left untouched by prying eyes.

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