Chapter 32- Saber's POV

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Saber stayed years at Sverre's side and she thought that they became very close. They would be together all the time and would tell each other everything. Saber even saved Sverre from an abusive professor and the young boy was so grateful that he wanted to sleep with Saber every night. But came the day when Saber had to leave and she sent Sverre a letter inside telling him that she wanted to still stay in touch and that she would come to his room at night a week later to talk. She hadn't had time to tell him about her reasons for leaving and she really wanted to be honest with him. Having taught him braille she knew that he could read her letter. Then why wasn't he in his room on the day promised? Saber waited for him for a long time and even came back later. She looked for him in the castle but the only thing she found was the remains of her letter in the fireplace. That was too much for Saber and her pride got destroyed. She forced herself to turn away and didn't let her mind think of that boy ever again.

She couldn't deny that she felt something seeing him all grown up but she soon moved on. She was just surprised seeing that young boy so tall. He looked nothing like Alastair. His skin was lighter, his hair darker. His white-blue eyes were open and staring straight ahead while he was standing perfectly straight, his arms along his body. Alastair hugged his brother and wished him a happy birthday but the next second he ran up to the small group and asked Poehina to talk. Saber had no idea what was going on but seeing how angry Astéria looked, she was scared that Alastair would get murdered. However, nothing happened and Poehina agreed to talk to Alastair, leaving them together.

Astéria didn't look away for a second and having her all focused on Poehina, Saber tried talking to her but Astéria wasn't very receptive. She soon realized why because having had enough of Saber's monologue, Astéria soon snapped:

"Stop talking. I can't hear them."

Saber raised her eyebrows:

"Do you hear them from here?"

Astéria didn't answer but Saber guessed. She immediately felt ashamed. She had seen Astéria kill a bully in their minds so hearing two people was nothing for her. But having no powers at all, Saber had no idea how magic really worked and she couldn't help being surprised.

"What are they saying?"

Astéria wasn't answering but Saber was really curious and couldn't help insisting:

"What do you hear?"

Knowing that she wouldn't stop, Astéria signed:

"He is asking her about the engagement termination.

-They broke up the engagement? Wow! Good for you! When? Why? Is he not that charming for a prince?

-Don't question her actions."

Saber raised her hands in peace:

"Mea culpa. What else?

-He is mad at her."

Astéria started clenching her fists and Saber felt her hair stand on end:

"He is mad that she broke up the engagement before consulting him first.

-But did anyone consult her for the engagement in the first place?

-That's exactly what she said.

-He has no right to be mad. Tell him Poehina!"

Astéria nodded, her eyes still cold. Saber had to calm her down quickly. Astéria was amazing at holding back in front of Poehina and Saber knew she wouldn't do anything immediately but it didn't mean she wouldn't lose it later on and Alastair was still the crown prince after all.

"Don't worry. Poehina is very strong. She won't let him walk over her.

-I know. I still hate him. How dare he raise his voice at her? If I could I would tear his vocal cords out. I would force him to eat them and then crush his throat. I would...

[GL] I tamed the female leadWhere stories live. Discover now