Tainted Mind

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The only person in your family you were close with was your father. You quickly became the one to pick on when he died. Your mother was the cruelest out of the bunch. All of court and the royal family could see the toll it took on you but it wasn't their place to intervene. Frigga would try to call you away for special duties as much as she could. That's when you and prince Loki became friends. Friendship turned into love that turned into a royal wedding. Even with you marrying the prince of Asgard your family still had their opinions. They wanted to get into your head and fill you with doubt but Loki was always there to silence those thoughts.

Recently Loki has been off realm more frequently. Mostly diplomatic trips to Midgard and he'd always bring you back a gift. While he was away you got a letter from your mother inviting you to tea. You didn't really want to go knowing what she could do or say to upset you. You also knew if you didn't go she'd tell every member of court that you're a snob now, that won't even visit her own mother. You bite the bullet and just go. "An hour or two couldn't be that detrimental right?" You say to your ladies maid that is helping you get dressed. "Just remember her words mean nothing to you. You're the princess of Asgard. You out rank her and your whole family. From what I've heard in the servants hall they are falling out of favor in court but you are loved and held in high regard. Just like your father." She says with a gentle squeeze of your hand. "Thank you. I'll tell you all about it when I get back."

You race to your room before anyone could see your tears. You cry hard into your pillow. You didn't even hear your ladies maid knock or come in. "My princess? What's the matter? What happened." She asks moving your hair out of your face. "Oh it was awful. I should have never went. Why do they hate me to much." You cry as she holds you tight in her arms. When there were no more tears left she ran you a hot bath with your favorite perfumed oils added to the water. You had dinner in your room because you knew you couldn't face your family again. They all snickered at each other when they saw your chair empty. Frigga knew they where the reason you where absent from the meal. She tried to visit you after but your maid told her you already fell asleep. Frigga didn't want to disturb you and figured it could wait till morning. You are plagued with nightmares of what your family said. They felt so real that those seeds of doubt started to take root.

You took breakfast in your room. This really alarmed Frigga. You only took breakfast in your room twice and that was when you were sick. She quickly finished her meal so she could check on you. "Sweetheart May I come in?" She asks through the door after knocking. "Yes mother." You call out as you move your tray from your lap. "My dear are you alright? I missed you at dinner and breakfast." Frigga sits on the edge of your bed and caresses your face. "Sorry about that. My family really upset me yesterday and I didn't want to leave the bed." "You know with just a word I could remove them all from court. Maybe even curse them just as an added measure." Frigga laughs causing you to look down at your hands. "If they get kicked out then they would spread horrible lies about us. I don't want to ruin the reputation of our family." "Oh you silly girl. You think a couple of rumors will topple the house of Odin? Many, far superior than your family, have tried and failed. But we can talk about that another time. You look tired daughter. Did you not sleep well last night?" "Unfortunately no. I had terrible nightmares." You say as you rub your exhausted eyes. "Goodness. Well you try to sleep. I'll make sure no one disturbs you." She says as she takes your tray.

Life returns to normal over the next few days. Loki is returning home tomorrow and you are finalizing the dinner menu with the chef. You pick out one of his favorite meals to have along with a dessert. Just was you were walking out of the kitchens a servant placed an envelope in your hands. "Excuse me what is this?" You call out after them. They leave as quickly as they appeared. You shrug and take it back to your room. There is no markings to indicate who or where it's from. "Should I open it?" You ask as you and your maid stare at it. "If you don't I will." "Would you? I don't think I could do it." She nods and takes it out of your hands. You hold your breath as she breaks the wax seal. You close your eyes as she pulls out the contents. You hear her gasp and the fast shuffling of what could be paper. "This can't be. Oh gods this has to be wrong." She mumbles as you open your eyes. She just stares at you with photographs in her hands. "My princess these must be fakes. There is no way he'd do this to you." She says as her voice shakes. You outstretch your hand for her to place them in. One by one you shuffle through each one of the glossy, high definition pictures. Tears race down your cheeks as you watch the man you love break your heart in each 4x6 snapshot. "Please put these back in the envelope and put them in my writing desk drawer." "Of course your highness. Should I bring you anything else?" "No thank you. I'll see you in the morning." You say as you dry your eyes with your handkerchief. She only nods and takes her leave knowing that you'll stay in your room for the rest of the day. With the door of your bedroom shut your rage takes over. You literally rip the dress off your body. You yank the necklace till the clasp broke. Books and vases are thrown. Your room looked deplorable but you didn't care. You finally curled up in bed and cried yourself to sleep.

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