Riots In The Street

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"Little one where do you think you're going?" Loki asks as he leans against the doorframe of your bedroom. "Out shopping. Why?" You ask cocking your head to the side. "Is that all you will be doing?" "Ummmm yes? What's with the questions? Am I missing something?" "No just don't want you getting in trouble." He hums as he kisses your head. "Me? In trouble? That never happens." You giggle as you pick up your keys and purse. "Yes you. And yes it happens more often than I would like. Just be good my love." "I can only try dearest." You say blowing a kiss and walking out the door.

You go downtown to the little shops and boutiques. You weren't really shopping for anything in particular but just liked looking at the various goods. It reminded you of Asgard when you would visit the village's market. The people were always so hospitable and kind to you even if you were the Goddess of Chaos and the wife of Loki, God of Mischief. You tended to cause more mischief than your husband because it was just your nature. Go big or go home. You were leaving a shop when you noticed a crowd gathering in front of a woman with a megaphone. "Nope Loki said not to get into trouble." You mutter to yourself just as you start to hear what the woman was saying.

"Mens time is up! Down with gender roles and let women take over. " She shouts and this entices your curiosity. You didn't really know what she was talking about so you walked in front of the crowd hoping to get her attention. She sees you in your dress, heels and various designer accessories. "You, Did your husband buy your clothes and jewelry?" She asks pointing at you. "I guess so. It was his money but I was the one physically buying it." "Does he tell you what to do and how it should be done?" "Sometimes but he does it because he loves me and knows what's best." "Knows what's best?!? Come on girl, you're an adult you can do whatever you want without a man." This sparks your inner chaos and gets you worked up." "Yeah you're right I don't need told what I can and can't do!"

Loki was reading when there was a knock on the door. He opens in to find Thor panting as if he was just running. "Ugh can I help you?" Loki says with an arched brow. "Turn on the tv. You got to see this for yourself." Thor answers as he walks into your home. Thor turns on the tv to a news cast of a riot happening downtown. On the screen there is a large group of mostly women yelling and being surrounded by riot police. The camera pans to an officer throwing a tear gas canister onto the rioting crowd. Next a woman throws it back. The camera catches her face. "Look familiar?" He says pointing to the paused image of you throwing the canister back. "You got to be fucking kidding me! I told her not to get into trouble today!" Loki growls as Thor interrupts, "oh that's not all." He resumes the newscast and it jumps to you being detained and bent over the hood of a squad car. "You can't arrest me! I'm a fucking princess!" You spit as the officers laugh. "Awe the little princess doesn't want to go to jail? Then maybe she shouldn't have started a riot." They coo as they put you in the back seat. "Oh you'll be sorry! My husband is an Avenger!" You shriek as they shut the door and the car drives away. "So are we going to get her?" Thor asks as he turns off the tv. "No. She will sit there for a few hours and think of what she did. Then I'll get her." Loki says calmly as he resumes reading.

You pace your cell waiting for Loki to rush in and bail you out. Hours went by and you were worried. "Loki where are you?" You say to yourself when a cop starts to chuckle. You glare at him as he leans back in his chair. "So where is this Avenger husband of yours princess?" He teases while eating a doughnut. You huff as you sit down on the ground. You burry your face in your knees when the cop laughs out loud. "So much for that knight in shining armor huh princess?" "I don't think your chief would approve of you harassing detainees especially my wife." Loki growls lowly as he places a firm hand on the officers shoulder. You look up and smile wide. You jump to your feet and run up to the bars. You reach out to Loki and say, "hello my prince. You've come to rescue me." He presses a finger to his lips quickly. You know this sign means to shut your mouth because he's not in the mood. You stand there silently as the door was unlocked and you were allowed out. Go try to hug Loki but he keeps you at an arms distance. "Not a word. I'm not happy with you (Y/N)." He says calmly which causes a shiver down your spine. You stand behind him as he pays your bail and signs paperwork.

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