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Two Weeks Later

TW: Alcoholism & Substance Abuse

Mercedes tried to push all of the rumors out of her head. She tried not letting them get to her. She knew Jon better to do any of that stuff. Sure, he did it when he was in his late teens and early twenties on the independent scene. However, Mercedes knew he grew out of it as he got older. Plus, there were no photos of it anyways. It was all buzz feed to her.

Even with all of the rumors, Mercedes was excited to see her husband the following morning. He was on a European tour right before WrestleMania. He had been gone for nearly two weeks as he had to fly from Canada, to California, then to all over Europe and England. He did his best to talk to her when he could, but she knew he would be busy. She was excited to get some down time with him once he was home for a couple days.

"Alright baby, you wanna start dropping hints of what I'm supposed to think you are?" Mercedes giggled while putting some lotion on her baby bump, given she was twenty weeks along. She was getting ready for bed happily knowing her husband would be home the next day.

"I dunno, as long as you're healthy though that's what matters." She beamed before tossing on one of Jon's oversized shirts and some basketball shorts, quickly falling asleep for the night.

Mercedes was sound asleep for the night. She was sound asleep until she jolted up around one in the morning. She rubbed her tired eyes, seeing that someone was calling her. She was confused and didn't recognize the phone number. She shrugged and answered anyways.

"Hello?" Mercedes answered before taking a sip of water.

"Hi, is this Mercedes Good?" A man asked on the other line.

"Yes this is. May I ask who is this?" She replied, confused on why someone would be asking for her.

"My name is Adam Buick. I am a bartender down at Copper Common bar in downtown Salt Lake City. I'm calling you as I found your emergency contact was in your husband's phone." The man responded as Mercedes was even more confused.

"Oh, does he just need me to come get him?" She asked, thinking Jon just had a few too many drinks and needed a ride home.

"Well Miss Mercedes, um, yes. But I was calling you as your husband is nearly passing out here at the bar. He had quite a few drinks. He tried to get up to leave but ended up stumbling and falling over. He dropped his phone and an empty bottle of Advil that was four hundred milligrams. I have had some customers come up and tell me that they saw him taking some in the bathroom." Mercedes' jaw dropped when she heard that. Was her worst nightmare coming true? Were all the rumors true? She snapped out of it before tuning back into what the bartender was saying.

"He's not causing any harm and we have him situated for the time being. As a bartender and a human being, I would rather his wife or someone close to him come pick him up than have him try and unsuccessfully arrive home." He finished as Mercedes was trying not to cry.

"Okay, well thank you for the phone call. I will be over shortly." She replied as the two hung up. Mercedes took a deep breath, swallowing some internal screams that were eating at her insides. She got another drink of water. She tossed the covers off of her, slipping on some quick shoes. She grabbed her keys and purse, gunning it for the door.

It took Mercedes about fifteen minutes or less before arriving at the Copper Common bar in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. She parked her car as well as locking it up. Mercedes had to swallow her tears before heading inside the bar. There were still people there, but just common goers of Salt Lake City. Luckily, Jon was situated in a private room.

"Mercedes?" Adam asked as he saw her walking towards Jon.

"Yes, thank you. Thank you for letting me know and have a great night." She quickly replied.

"Do you need some help?" He asked, seeing that she was pregnant and Jon was nearly immobile.

"Thank you." She responded as she agreed to let the bartender help her get her weak husband out to the car. Mercedes thanked Adam once more, giving him some extra cash as a sign of gratitude before hopping in herself.

"Jon?" Mercedes asked as she hopped in the driver's seat.

Jon could hardly keep his eyes open, slowly turning his head over to where he heard her voice. His eyes were droopy and red. She could smell the whiskey, coke, and beer on his breath as he was breathing through his mouth. Mercedes shook her head and started the car.

"What the fuck is going on?" Mercedes thought to herself, shaking her head while silent tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't want to let it out loudly. Of course, she was beside herself. Her husband looked like he was on another planet. She had no idea why.

"Where did I go wrong?" Mercedes whispered to herself, wiping away her cold tears from her now rose tinged cheeks. She had a lot of emotions and wasn't sure what to say or how to process them. Somehow, she felt it was all of her fault and did not know where to go from here.

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