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"So, you recently just accomplished one of your goals and main eventing WrestleMania," the journalist began the next day as Mercedes nodded her head with a bright smile.

"How was that experience for you?" He continued. Mercedes took a deep breath before answering the question.

"Oh my goodness, I honestly felt like I was just living in a dream. To have my best friends turned to family there, my husband and baby there. Now both my husband and I are champs! It felt like how it did when I returned, an amazing fever dream. My biggest dreams have come true in the last three years, I am just the luckiest, blessed woman." Mercedes proudly beamed, answering a few more questions for her WWE 24 documentary.

Mercedes continued filming for a few more hours. Even though she didn't have a problem filming, she was happy when everyone left and she could live in private again. Jon was working out, so it was just her and Liam. A bit afterwards, Rebecca and Bryton came over to hang out with Mercedes and Liam.

"How much longer do you have to film?" Rebecca asked while they watched their two babies play together.

"Just a few more weeks, they want it done and out by June. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to share my journey with the fans. I'm just private, ya know? When the lights are off, I just want to be Mercedes. I don't want to be Sasha all the time. I will be happy when it's out, but I am also trying to enjoy the journey." Mercedes replied at her sister.

"I can definitely understand and respect that. I also did want to let you know that I don't think I'm going to return quite yet. Colby's producing matches here and there. I don't think I can travel alone with or without Bryton, but I also don't know how much longer I don't wanna wrestle either." Rebecca admitted as Mercedes gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Awe, Becks. I understand your reasoning, but I do hope one day you come back! I would love to make more magic in the ring with you. Whenever you are ready, just know we are ready to have you back with open arms." She smiled, the two sharing a sweet embrace and enjoyed the downtime with their babies, as well as each other.

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