Two - Situation

272 26 52

[9:30am] 12/10/22

Unknown Number: help me I have a situation

Charles: oh you decided to keep my number than

Unknown Number: kept mine

Charles: so what is the problem

Unknown Number: are you changing the subject?

Charles: yes

Unknown Number: fair enough. Well I'm pretty sure this girl in my office has a thing for me as whenever she comes into my office, she's always in really tight clothing and she'll always make an excuse to bend down and pick something up. How do I tell her that I'm gay and have no interest whatsoever in her.

Charles: ahhh I've been in a similar situation many times

Unknown Number: you have???

Charles: many female students seem to have a crush on me. I'm not being boastful it's merely a fact, they'd always come to class in tight fitting clothes and when I was talking they would stare at me rather than taking notes

Unknown Number: well how did you tell them you were gay?

Charles: well it started of small, I wore a pride pin on my lanyard and I did some stereotypical "gay" things

Unknown Number: such as...

Charles: the sit that woman do where they put one knee over the other, stand with my hand on my hip, things like that

Unknown Number: did it work

Charles: kind, the rumours started however not many people believed them

Unknown Number: well do they know now?

Charles: oh yes, I kissed my then-boyfriend on the cheek in front of them all

Unknown Number: hahaha. I can't believe you had to do that to your students

Charles: well I certainly didn't want to encourage them

Unknown Number: well how do I tell her that I have no interest in her?

Charles: you have to let her down nicely, be gentle

Unknown Number: you are evidently a man of many morels

Charles: and you aren't?

Unknown Number: depends on the topic of conversation

Charles: fair enough. Well I wish you good luck, I have to go as I have a class to teach

Unknown Number: bye

Charles: talk to you later darling

Unknown Number: yes, talk you you later Unknown Number

Unknown Number: and thanks

Charles: you're welcome, and please, call me Charles

Unknown Number: I could but I prefer Unknown Number, it has a certain aspect of mystery to it


Unknown Number: I told her to piss off

Charles: well that was nice

Unknown Number: I know right, I'm the nicest person alive

Charles: what did she say?

Unknown Number: she cried

Charles: I told you to let her down nicely

Unknown Number: It's annoying, I'm now short 1 employee

Charles: oh that's a shame

Unknown Number: oh well she'll be easy to replace

Charles: don't sound too upset

Unknown Number: don't worry I won't

Charles: I thought you were holding back tears darling

Unknown Number: oh I was couldn't you tell

Charles: indeed

Unknown Number: well I must go, I have a meeting to attend

Charles: good luck

Unknown Number: thank you

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