Eleven - Students

150 14 96

[9:50am] 09/11/22

Eric: I honestly have no idea why I am so nice to you

Charles: good morning darling, did you sleep well?

Charles: and what's got you thinking like that?

Eric: I reduced someone to tears - for the third time this week

Charles: that's not very nice

Eric: I'm not nice, I'm a horrible man who has a reputation for being a dick

Eric: I'm like that with everyone, I don't know what it is about you that makes me be unable to be a complete and utter arsehole towards you

Charles: I think you are very sweet

Eric: Chaaaaaaaarrrlessss your messing with my reputation

Charles: You are not always nice

Eric: compared to everyone else you are treated like a king

Charles: haha

Charles: I must go now but thank you

Eric: you're welcome your majesty

Charles: my students are staring at me because I'm grinning stupidly at my phone screen

Eric: talk to you later your majesty

Charles: goodbye darling


Charles: ok I just had to endure a bunch of students questioning me about my romantic life

Charles: "ooooo Sir have you got a crush?" "ooooo who's the lucky man?" "sir what's his name?" "sir are you together?" "Sir have you fucked him?" "Sir what does he look like?" "Sir how did you meet?"


Eric: your students sound...interesting

Charles: you could say that I suppose

Eric: what did you tell them?

Charles: I told them to mind their own business and get in with their work

Eric: haha

Eric: what are the answer to the questions?

Charles: ...

Charles: I have to go um walk my textbooks

Eric: walk your textbooks

Eric: ...


Charles: I have a lot of freckles

Eric: do you ever say hello like a normal human?

Charles: not really no

Eric: don't change, it's rather amusing

Charles: that's good

Eric: so how many freckles do you have

Charles: I have no idea

Eric: perhaps you should get someone to count them for you

Charles: yeah perhaps

Charles: give me a fact about you

Eric: I'm Jewish

Charles: I knew that, do you practice?

Eric: not anymore

Charles: may I ask why?

Eric: you can ask however I'm not going to tell

Charles: alright :)

Eric: alright?

Charles: I won't push you, you can tell me whenever you feel ready

Eric: thank you Charles


Charles: some twat just spilt acid on me

Eric: name?

Charles: ummmm I don't actually know

Charles: I think it's something like Robert Atkins but I'm not actually sure

Eric: address?

Charles: I don't know

Eric: well that guy is lucky as I would have walked over to his house and kicked his arse

Charles: how sweet

Charles: to be fair I don't blame him, we were told some rather...interesting gossip

Eric: well what are you waiting for, spill it

Charles: I would never have taken you for someone who likes Gossip Eric

Eric: so long as it's not about me

Eric: to be fair I wouldn't have taken you as someone who likes to gossip either

Charles: trust me, when you teach adults it is always very amusing

Charles: there's always something going on

Eric: sounds amazing now spill the tea

Charles: alright

Charles: so basically there's a professor of history called Frank Leamon who is about 50+ years old

Eric: this sounds good

Charles: he and his first wife divorced after his kids were in their 20s

Charles: now he got married to a woman who was the same age as his kids

Eric: that is concerning

Charles: and now his 2nd wife is pregnant

Eric: and he's in his 50s

Charles: yep

Eric: holy shit that is interesting

Eric: by the way are you ok?

Charles: I got a bit burnt by the acid however it shouldn't be too bad

Eric: do you want me to kiss it better?

Charles: yes please

Eric: what are you doing at the moment Charles?

Charles: washing my hands, about to do some baking

Eric: you know when we meet up in real life, I expect to be greeted with a cake

Charles: alright, so long as I get a hug

Eric: deal

Charles: ...would a kiss be pushing it?

Eric: no, I'm sure that can be arranged

Charles: I look forward to it

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