Eight - hypothetical

164 16 41

[5:31am] 07/11/22

Eric: Good morning beautiful


Charles: you wake up way to early for it to be normal on a Saturday morning

Charles: but good morning darling

Charles: it's nice to know you think my text messages are beautiful

Eric: of course they do, the way the silver/grey.lights up my phone screen is truly astonishing

Charles: congratulations you have just made it into my lift of people who have made me laugh before 9am on a Sunday

Eric: my life achievement has been completed

Charles: that is very good


Charles: Hypothetically, if I ever took you on a date I'd take you to this amazing Italian restaurant.

Eric: why hypothetically?

Charles: is that an invitation?

Eric: maybe it is

[00:38am] 08/11/22

Charles: what do you think a good relationship needs to be based off?

Eric: we do seem to have very deep conversations in the middle of the night

Charles: it's just the best vibe ever

Eric: fair enough

Charles: what is your answer?

Eric: personally I think a good relationship needs to have 2 people who were friends before, people who understand each other and people who can help their partner through any situation

Eric: was that a good answer?

Charles: perfect


Eric: If our hypothetical first date turned into a hypothetical second date I have an idea

Charles: what is it?

Eric: ice-cream

Charles: sounds great

Charles: the hypothetical third date, shall contain the 3 F's - Food, French Kissing and Fucking

Eric: I like the sound of that one

Eric: why not the 1st date?

Charles: you have won my heart Eric

Eric: that's good


Eric: are you in class?

Charles: do you even work?

Eric: I work fast

Charles: I'm marking

Eric: how fun, should I leave you alone

Charles: I don't want you to but it may allow me to finish marking quicker

Eric: ok

Charles: are you sure

Eric: you care about other people's feelings too much

Charles: it's one of my unfortunate traits

Eric: I'll talk to you later

Charles: yes, speak later


Charles: hello Eric

Eric: good evening Charles

Eric: did you finish your marking?

Charles: yes and I got a lot of research done on my paper.

Eric: that sounds interesting

Charles: many others would disagree, whenever I was studying in university when I still lived with my parents my siblings would ask me to read my textbooks to them as they found them so boring it put them to sleep

Eric: was that all your siblings?

Charles: all except Eleanor

Eric: well she evidently has taste, I think your work sounds extremely interesting. Well what you teach. Not actually teaching.

Charles: thank you darling

Eric: what are you doing Charles?

Charles: laying in bed, what about you

Eric: same

Charles: nice

Eric: Can I try something?

Charles: go ahead


Incoming call from Eric

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