Thirty-one - pride

95 7 28

[2:09pm] 26/11/22

Charles: when it comes to romance, what type of person are you?

Charles: Do you plan your future out together or do you like to take things slow?

Eric: this is a very deep conversation to have at 2pm rather than 2am

Charles: that is true

Eric: it depends on the person however most of the time I'm the second option. Mainly since my relationships never end up lasting that long.

Charles: fair enough

Eric: what sort of person are you Charles?

Charles: well most of the time my relationships have been the occasional one night stand so no need to think about the future however there's this one relationship who I planned everything out because I love them

Eric: and what is the name of this mysterious person?

Charles: his name is Eric Schweitzer

Eric: you've planned everything out?

Charles: ...I can't help it

Eric: I'm not mad, I'm touched that you have thought about it

Eric: I've thought about a future with you as well

Charles: you have!?

Eric: of course, jeez Charles I love you so damn much of course I want to to have a future with you

Charles: I love you too Eric <3

Eric: Whats in your future plan?

Charles: move in together, get married, get cats, maybe get a house together in the future and even, perhaps, adopt a kid - if you want kids of that is.

Eric: I do want children

Eric: your plan sounds amazing

Charles: thank you

Eric: how about we make the first thing happen?

Charles: move in together?

Eric: yes

Charles: omgomgomg

Eric: I am equally as excited

Charles: Eric, will you move into my apartment with me?

Eric: yes, I will.

Eric: wait are pets allowed?

Charles: yes they are

Eric: perfect

Charles: I can't wait

Eric: me neither my love

Charles: yay


Charles: one of my neighbours just asked if I would give your number to her granddaughter

Eric: what did you say

Charles: sorry he's taken and his boyfriend is very overprotective of him

Eric: what did she say to that?

Charles: "where is this man, he needs to be get out of this silly phase and find a lovely young girl."

Eric: can I get the knife?

Charles: I then said, "I've just spoken to the boyfriend and he says that he doesn't give a shit"

Eric: good

Charles: she then looked confused so I said, "the overprotective boyfriend is me, fuck off and leave my boyfriend alone."

Eric: good for you babe

Eric: are you ok?

Charles: I will be fine

Eric: would you rather move into my apartment?

Charles: it's ok, she's new and besides it means we can have fun pissing her off

Eric: tell me more my dear

Charles: well I was thinking of handing a pride flag on our door

Eric: sounds amazing

Eric: oh I do love pissing people off

Charles: of course you do

Eric: it will be a rediculously large flag right?

Charles: yes

Eric: perfect

Charles: I'm going to order one right now

Eric: sounds good

Charles: I love you darling

Eric: I love you too my love

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