Eighty-two - best man

43 6 53

[8:37am] 04/01/23

Charles: I just got into work and already people are asking questions

Eric: What are you telling them?

Charles: "Yes I am engaged, yes it is to Eric, now leave me alone"

Eric: I would have told them to fuck off

Charles: yes but that's because it's you

Eric: true


Charles: Who were you thinking of having as your best man?


Eric: I don't know

Eric: I may ask Sean

Eric: but we aren't that close

Eric: see the thing is I don't have any people I'm close with

Eric: you know me

Charles: I do, I know you very well

Eric: I don't like talking to people

Eric: Can I ask you something?

Charles: of course you can

Eric: Would you mind if I asked one of your brothers to be my best man?

Charles: of course not

Eric: you don't mind?

Charles: no of course not

Charles: which brother?

Eric: Who are you having as your best man?

Charles: I don't know, I don't know which brother to choose

Eric: why don't you talk to your brothers

Charles: alright, can I invite them over for drinks?

Eric: sounds good

Charles: I think El wants to walk me down the aisle

Eric: awww that's sweet

Charles: Her logic is that I'm walking her down the aisle so she should walk me down

Charles: and because she used the logic of her being the favourite sibling

Eric: haha

Eric: what about Lily?

Charles: She would rather carry the rings

Eric: that's fine by me

Charles: I'll talk to you in a bit my love

Eric: goodbye handsome

Eric: good luck with your class

Charles: thanks <3


Eric: there are times when I hate my job

Charles: same

Eric: but there are also times when I love it

Charles: debatable

Eric: I thought you loved being a professor

Charles: I mean the constant marking, quite often losing my voice and dealing with nosy little shits takes the glamour out of it

Eric: I could never, I don't have the patience

Charles: I do love it though, I like teaching people and I obviously love what I teach

Eric: nerd

Charles: geek

Eric: you do look adorable when you are talking about genetics

Charles: I do?

Eric: you're very passionate and expressive. You go into your own little world and your eyes shine with excitement

Charles: you notice that?

Eric: of course I do

Charles: if I was next to you I would be hugging you tightly and probably sobbing because I love you so much

Eric: and I would be hugging you back and trying to stop you from crying


Charles: I love you

Eric: I love you too


Charles: I just had a response from the twins

Eric: and?

Charles: they can come for drinks tonight


Eric: shall I stop by the store and get some beers

Charles: that sounds good

Charles: Pilsner?

Eric: of course

Eric: if I can find it/if they do it

Eric: hopefully I can/they do

Eric: Es ist das Beste

Charles: I think they do

Eric: good good

Charles: I will agree, German beer is the best

Eric: better than Guinness or whiskey?

Charles: will it increase my chances of sex if I say yes?

Eric: yes

Charles: German beer is much better than whiskey or Guinness

Eric: glad we both agree

Charles: never make me say that in front of your granda

Eric: why not?

Charles: because he's fucking terrifying

Eric: haha


Eric: I love what I do, I make good money and it's quite easy

Eric: but oh my fucking god the people I work with can be right simpletons which makes everything 10x more stressful

Charles: awwwww I'm sorry handsome, is there anything I can do to help

Eric: tell Rose thanks for being amazing as always

Charles: will do

Charles: I'm on my lunch break, want me to bring you anything

Eric: such as...

Charles: a kiss, blow job, a way to decrease stress, some help doing whatever you're doing, some caffeine

Eric: how long do you have

Charles: well I don't actually have any more classes this afternoon, all I was going to do was a bit of marking but you are my first priority

Eric: you'd really come down to my office?

Charles: of course

Eric: I'd love you to be here

Charles: I'm just leaving

Eric: ...you had your stuff already packed didn't you?

Charles: yep

Eric: you still would have come even if I had told you not to, wouldn't you?

Charles: yep

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