Ninety-seven - Partner

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Eric's POV

Charles and I walked hand in hand up the stairs to James' apartment at around 4:55pm.

"Are you alright?" Charles whispered.

I nodded, I was always nervous before meeting someone new however with Charles by my side nothing bad could ever happen, he seemed to radiate an aura that, when surrounding me, protected me from any harmful thing that could occur. 

When Charles stopped outside the door to an apartment, I could vaguely hear voices talking, slightly muffled through the walls but nevertheless you could make out what they were saying.

"Will your siblings accept us, you know, because I'm Enby?" A voice asked quietly.

"Don't worry Dais, my siblings would be pretty hypocritical not to accept you just because you are part of the LGBT community." James responded.

"Hello you two." A voice grinned from behind me. 

Turning around I spotted Logan walking up the final stairs, leather jacket slung over one shoulder.

"Do you ever actually wear that jacket or do you just wear it to look cool." Charles chuckled before knocking on the door 3 times. 

"I wear it when I ride my bike." 

"You sound like a little kid when you say that." I snorted.

Logan was about to respond however the door was opened bringing our attention to the person who opened it. They were tall, maybe 5'7 or 5'8 and had short brown hair however at the sight of Charles, Logan and myself standing outside the door, they rubbed the back of their neck and mumbled, "hello, come in."

Stepping back, they let us in and James called "hey you three, thanks for coming. I'd you to meet my partner Mx Daisy Turner."

Charles smiled then held out his hand for Daisy to shake, "it's a pleasure to meet you Daisy, I'm Charles, James' eldest sibling."

"'s umm...nice to you." They responded nervously.

"It's alright, you don't need to be scared, we don't bite." Charles laughed.

Daisy tapped their finger on their leg gently as they smiled at Charles, loosening up slightly when they returned into James' embrace. 

"I'm Logan, twat head's twin."

"You're the twat Logan." James chuckled.

"I thought you said you had 2 brothers?" Daisy smiled.

James chuckled "Eric over there," I raised my hand in greeting, "is Charles' fiancé making him my brother in all ways except biologically."

"Thank god we're not biologically related." Charles mumbled in my ear causing me to chuckle quietly.

"Oh so that's what you meant." Daisy grinned.

There was a knock on the door so James walked over and opened it. Lily grinned back at him "Hello brother, surprised to see me on time?"

"The world must be ending, come in, Lil," James laughed, "this is my partner Daisy. Dais, this is my older sister Lily."

Rubbing the back of their neck, Daisy mumbled,  "hello, nice to meet you." 

"Lovely to meet you, so tell me, how did you meet my brother?" She smiled.

Tapping their foot on the floor, they responded "We met while I was taking my dogs for a walk."

"How lovely." I smiled, my leg started to shake however the feeling of Charles grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently grounded me and gave me the reassurance I needed so that I could ask "what are your dogs called?"

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