Nintey-eight - Korma

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Charles' POV

"What does everyone want from the Indian takeaway?" James announced.

"Chicken korma, plain naan and a poppadom." Els grinned.

"Same." I smiled.

My brothers and Erik rolled their eyes. I was not the type of person who handled spice very well - neither was Eleanor however she just point blank refused to try anything she had never had before.

"Weakling." Logan snorted.

"Do you really have that little spice tolerance? Eric chuckled.

"Yep." I grinned.

"Can I get the same but with the mint sauce?" Daisy asked.

"Course you can, I'm paying after all." Eleanor laughed.

Daisy smiled at my sister, "thanks Els."

"If you're paying, why am I ordering?" James asked.

"I'd fuck everything up."

I snorted before turning to Eric and burying my face in his shoulder. He gently kissed the top of my head then wrapped his arm around me, "You should try some of what I get Charl, can I get a vindaloo with a plain naan and poppadoms?"

"Of course."

"It's not spicy is it?" I asked, staring up at Eric.

He grinned down at me and chuckled "nah it's not spicy at all."

"You got good taste Eric, Jay, can I get a lamb madras with a garlic naan and a poppadom?" Logan stated

The fact that Logan thought that my fiancé had good taste was slightly worrying given that Logan would down the spiciest things ever with a straight face. Els was slightly better than me but she just didn't like it however I could not handle anything remotely spicy.

"No." James responded, writing down Logan's order on a piece of paper.

"Dickhead." Logan grunted causing Daisy and Els to laugh.

"I told you my family is crazy." She smiled.

"I like your siblings, they're nice." They chuckled.

"You haven't had to live with them your whole life." Lily grumbled causing Logan, Els and I to roll our eyes.

James stood up from the sofa then announced "I'll be back in a minute, just going to place our order," before walking out of the room.

Eleanor smirked at the empty space on the sofa before pushing Daisy onto it and curling up next to them. Laughing, Daisy wrapped their arm around my little sister and hugged her tightly. Smiling, Els mumbled something making Daisy laugh loudly.

"I will ask again, are we sure Eleanor and Daisy aren't the couple." Lily announced.

Eleanor stuck her middle finger up at Lily then went back to whispering to Daisy.

"Lil, Els has always been affectionate, remember how she was like with me when we were younger, leave her alone." I stated.

"Fair point."

When James walked back into the room, he stopped and stared at Eleanor and Daisy before asking "is it just me, or do I seem to have lost my seat and my partner?"

Eleanor hugged Daisy tightly and glared at James (which was made even more amusing when he cowered), "back off dipshit she's mine."

Daisy rolled their eyes and chuckled "idiot."

"Pst, James, no one likes you." Logan hissed.

James rounded on his twin and glared at him before hitting him around the head. Logan stuck his foot out as James walked away and, since he's an idiot, James tripped over Logan and fell face first onto the floor.

Daisy laughed loudly and rolled their eyes fondly "oh James."

"Dickhead." He spat at Logan before pushing himself up and gently pressing a kiss to Daisy's lips.

"How about we turn the TV on?" Lily suggested, evidently trying to avoid another argument.

"That's a good idea, what should we watch?" I smiled.

"What about X-Men?"

It didn't matter who suggested it, all that mattered was that it caused Els to nod enthusiastically and it caused Daisy to flap their hands rapidly.

"YESYESYES." Els shouted.

"Which one though?" Logan asked.

"FIRST CLASS." Daisy and Eleanor shouted in unison.

I chuckled fondly. As a child, X-Men: First Class was Eleanor's favourite film. She'd watch it at least once a week.

Eric gently kissed the side of my head and I smiled widely, tilting my head back so that I was staring up at him. Looking down, he gently pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Els you only want to watch it because you think young Charles is hot." Logan laughed as he located Disney plus on James' TV.


"He's so hot." Daisy agreed.

"Oh god, there's two of them." Lily groaned.

"Why don't we ask the gays what they think?" James suggested with a smirk, "Charles, Eric, do you think young Charles Xavier is hot."

"Why would I like him when I have my own Charles right next to me." Eric shrugged.

"Good answer, looks as though someone has avoided sleeping alone." Logan snickered.

"I always found Erik to be more attractive however once again, I have my Eric right next to me." I smiled, kissing Eric on the lips gently.

"Erik Lehnsherr is hot but Charles Xavier is my husband." Eleanor announced.

I grinned broadly, "Eleanor, is that your way of saying, 'I'm so single I fall in love and obsess over a guy who doesn't even exist'?"

"Yes, yes it is."

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