Nine - sleep deprived

148 16 22

[4:06am] 08/11/22

Charles: you sent the good morning text so I shall send you the good night text

Eric: given that it is past 4 am I think good morning is more appropriate

Charles: shit I have work

Eric: so do I

Charles: I have to deal with a class full of students

Eric: that sounds painful, coffee?

Charles: When I moved to the US my mother made me promise not to do drugs

Charles: jokes in her I don't give a shit what she says

Charles: I will need to drink A LOT of coffee

Eric: go to sleep love

Charles: goodnight Eric

Eric: night Charles


Charles: well I managed to scrape 3 hours of sleep

Eric: that's good, I didn't get any sleep

Charles: Eric that's really bad for you

Eric: I just couldn't sleep

Charles: if you had said that I would have stayed up with you

Eric: you need sleep too Charles

Charles: still, I'd rather the both of us sleep than only one of us

Eric: you are sweet Charles

Charles: *sleep deprived

Eric: both of us are

Charles: you know I kind of see why people think you hate everyone

Eric: oh yeah, how?

Charles: your accent, it's sounds harsh when you say some words

Eric: does it?

Charles: it's sounds kind of Irish

Eric: my dad was half Irish

Charles: that will be why then

Eric: I never expected you to sound so British

Charles: well I did live there for 25 years

Eric: yeah but your accent is basically pure English RP

Charles: I grew up in Oxford

Eric: fair enough

Eric: your accent can sometimes become very formal

Charles: I am a professor

Eric: no when you said "but you know darling my face is my fortune"

Charles: oh haha

Charles: my face is my fortune - it's why a lot of people sign up for my class

Eric: you have a very beautiful accent

Charles: thank you darling


Eric: how did your classes go Charles

Charles: I feel dead

Eric: that's positive

Charles: help me

Eric: go to sleep Charles

Charles: I can't I have marking

Eric: Charles you need to sleep, you won't be able to concentrate if you don't

Charles: but I have to stay on top

Eric: Charles go to sleep

Eric: for me

Eric: please

Charles: I suppose I could sleep early

Charles: but I'd much rather talk with you

Eric: if I knew where you lived I'd kiss you goodnight and make sure you fell asleep

Eric: but I don't so I can't

Charles: :(

Eric: go to sleep, message me in the morning/when you get up

Charles: I'll go to sleep if you go to sleep

Eric: fine

Charles: can you call, I find it easier to sleep after talking to you?

Eric: I hope I don't bore you

Charles: you could never bore me darling, you just have a rather soothing voice

Eric: you are an odd man Charles

Charles: we have established that many times


Incoming call from Eric


*On the call*


Eric: go to sleep Charles

Charles: if I have to

Eric: Jez you sound dead

Eric: and yes you have to go to sleep

Charles: thanks for the compliment

Charles: fine

Eric: good boy

Charles: haha

Charles: nighty night

Eric: goodnight love

Charles: don't hang up

Eric: don't worry, I won't

Charles: good

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