Ninety-four - Raise

41 6 40

[10:29am] 10/01/23

Charles: I owe you an explanation

Eric: you don't owe me anything

Eric: you don't have to tell me

Charles: I do

Charles: you're my fiancé

Charles: I don't like keeping things from you

Eric: Can I ask a question then?

Charles: of course

Eric: how fucked up was your childhood?


Charles: pretty fucked up

Charles: it was worse for Els though

Eric: What happened?


Charles: By the time Els was 3, my parents had given up with her, they didn't want a sick child

Charles: I raised her myself

Charles: I took her to her hospital appointments from the age of 9. I skipped school so I could go on a train and take her to the hospital

Charles: I held her as she cried in my arms about not wanting to be alive because of her medical condition. She was fucking 12. And she didn't want to be alive

Charles: I took her out of that house, I couldn't bear for her to live there any longer, especially without me

Charles: and our so called parents didn't give a shit

Charles: which is why I vowed to do something, anything, to lead to a development in the treatment for people with cystic fibrosis

Charles: she was quite healthy compared to other people with CF

Charles: but that didn't mean she didn't have it

Charles: when she told me how she felt that day when she was 12, it broke my heart. I didn't want her to have to go through that. I broke down as I don't know what I would have done if she was gone

Charles: she was scared that I'd give up on her

Charles: something I'd never do

Charles: when things got bad, she told me that she wasn't fighting for herself, she was fighting for me she said "I will fight. I will fight for you. I always do until my lungs are black and blue. And I will stay. I will stay with you. We'll make it to the other side like the best siblings do."

Charles: that girl really is too stubborn for her own good sometimes

Charles: I vividly remember it, she said the words that changed everything for me "I'm not giving up yet, even when I'm down to my last breath. Even when I don't have anything left. So don't give up on me. I'm not giving up. Not me, I don't give up. Even when no one else believes. I'm not going down that easily. So don't give up on me"

Charles: I never gave up on her.

Charles: And I never will. She's my Els, my Stubborn bastard, my princess, my best friend, my minion, my sweetheart, my life.


Eric: I am so sorry you had to go through that but I'm so proud of you both

Charles: thank you

Eric: you really are inspirational


Charles: it was hard, I struggled to deal with everything. But I did it for her.

Eric: what about your other siblings?

Charles: Lily helped cover for me when I took her to appointments

Charles: The twins were too young to understand

Charles: when they were old enough, they didn't really know how to handle the situation

Charles: Logan publicly broke just about every rule so the attention was drawn away from the two of us. Which allowed me to get away with taking her to hospital appointments.

Charles: James sat in my classes and took notes for me so I could catch up. My parents expected me to get above 90% in everything and he said he didn't want me to have to deal with even more of their bullshit. I didn't want him too but he did it anyway, in return I tutored him so he didn't fall behind.

Charles: they boys made sure to make Els laugh in any way possible (which when you know the right buttons to press, is very easy). We spoilt her rotten to make up for the fact that our parents wanted to forget her existence

Charles: We did the silliest things ever, Lily painted her posters of her favourite film characters, James played football with her, Logan took her out on his motorbike and I read with her and talked about genetics.


Eric: you're a miracle Charles

Charles: Am I?

Eric: yes, you raised your sister when your parents didn't want to, you managed to keep amazing grades and tutored your siblings

Eric: I'm so proud of you

Charles: I just did what I needed to do

Eric: you know, you'd make a great dad one day

Charles: Me? A dad? You must be mental

Eric: Charles, you raised your sister, you've already raised one child

Charles: huh

Charles: perhaps you have a point

Charles: you want kids then?

Eric: with you, yes

Charles: I'd love to raise kids with you


Eric: Did you...perhaps...

Charles: what?

Eric: nevermind it's probably the wrong time to ask

Charles: you can ask Darling

Eric: are you sure?

Charles: absolutely


Eric:Didyouwanttoperhapslookaroundfor anadoptionagency?


Charles: I can't think of anything I'd like to do more

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