Lets handle it

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Notes: Karen and Drew makes their way to New York as they spot Faith on the first day while they're out on a date.

It was the next morning and Drew and Karen had woken up bright and early so they could get to the airport to take their jet to New York.

They had decided against going first class on a normal airplane just in case if things went left and they had needed to get home quicker.

So now here they were having their breakfast at home with the kids before they had gone to New York.

But once Karen had got up to leave after freshening herself up again in the bathroom after leaving the table J.Drew came running towards his mama when she had started walking towards the front door.

"Mamaaaa!" J.Drew said runnin straight towards her seeing the suitcase in her hand already.

"Noooo." J.Drew said not wanting his mama to leave him again. When he had gotten up close to his mama he had reached up his arms for her to pick him up and so she did kissing him on both of his cheeks with him kissing her back.

"Mommy will be back baby." Karen said in her raspy voice while she was still holding him and Drew was just looking at the two of them wondering why he wasn't gettin no love from his own son.

"Be good for your grandma Mattie and auntie Doe okayyy?" Karen told him trying to make him feel better but then he had started crying bursting out into tears letting his head rest on his mama's shoulders as he was still snot nose crying until he calmed down. But when he had calmed down he had turned away from his mama wanting to get down from her only to run towards Nikki reaching up to her for him to hold her since she had looked like his mama and for comfort since Karen was leaving.

But before they had left for New York, Drew had said his goodbyes to their kids as well as J.Drew turning his head from his daddy not wanting to kiss him.

"J.Drew don't do me like that." Drew said patting his son on his back because J.Drew was about to start crying for his mama again even though she was leaving in a few minutes.

But J.Drew still ignored his daddy as he had laid his little head on his sisters shoulder turning away from him. But Drew still kissed J.Drew on his head even though he had smacked it away being mad at the fact that his mama was leaving again and ultimately he was blaming his daddy for it. "J.Drewww it'll be okay." Nikki said and J.Drew just popped his head up at his big sister looking at her like she was high because all he knew was that his mama was leaving. But he didn't realize that his daddy was leaving with her.

But when J.Drew had seen his daddy's suitcase he had stopped being mad for a little bit but he was still very much annoyed with his father.

When they had finally left the house they got into Drew's car and Drew had drove them to the airport as they were just going over some last minute details of their plans.

"Now am I staying in a hotel while you stay at Faith's?" Drew had asked again for clarification because even though Faith had a huge penthouse all to herself and Ace she only had like two bedrooms and the other room was an office and the next room was a recording studio along with a mini theater/game room which was all on the same floor.

"I mean you could stay with me if you want too. But you know how I am when we go on these trips and how I was on our honeymoon." Karen said as she was talking to him. "Yeahhh you took up the whole entire bed and ain't leave me no type of room." Drew said. "You was just using me as a human pillow." He said. "Don't act like you didn't like it." Karen said as she smiled at him.

"Because you know that led to somethings." She said as he was just rubbing all over her hand.

"Mmmhmm. It sure did it led to some more babies." Drew laughed as he had joked with her.

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