Why me?

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Notes: Karen and Drew gets tragic news.

It was the next week and Karen's tests results had just came back from the doctors office.

"Drewww it's here." Karen said as she had grabbed the mail taking it upstairs into there room so they could read it in private. "Do you want me to read it?" He asked her seeing that she had laid it down on the bed after she had stood there all nervously.

"Do what you want with it!" Karen said not knowing what to do and so Karen had just opened up the mail and it was a confirmation letter from her last appointment. "Ooh." Drew had gasped in excitement after reading it to himself. "What is it?!" Karen had asked him seeing his eyes light up and he just laid the papers down on the bed dancing happily with his wife while kissing her.

"We're pregnant again." He told her and Karen's face had scrunched up. "That can't be right." Karen said not believing it because it would've been wayyy too soon and that would've meant that she was over 4 weeks pregnant and so here she was looking at the letter and reading it for herself after getting out Drew's grasp.

"I'm pregnant." Karen said as if she was in disbelief. "We gotta call the doctor back." Karen said not knowing what to think. "But baby isn't this a good thing? Isn't this what we wanted?" Drew had questioned her. And Karen didn't know how to respond to that.

"Drew." Karen had sadly started to say. "I had wanted to have another baby. But when I was thinking about the other situation I don't know if I could handle all that." Karen said.

"But what did you tell me last week though?" He asked her. "That I didn't have it." She said looking at him as he had pulled her closely to him.

"Alright then it was a possiblity but they never said you did have it." Drew said.

"I know but the tests results for that one haven't come back in yet." Karen said doubting herself. "Drew I don't know what I'm gonna do if I have cancer." Karen told him and so, Drew had lifted up her chin making her look him in the eyes. "Even if that's the case God forbids then we can get through it. We're not quitters in this family." Drew said shaking his head no while he had kissed his wife on the lips.

And so, Karen had just agreed with him. "I mean I am excited to have this baby but after the last time I don't know I think I'm just afraid." Karen said. "And I don't wanna tell anybody just yet if I am pregnant we could at least wait until 3 months like we were originally trying to do." Karen told him. "I mean we could start over again this is like a second chance." Karen said shrugging her shoulders and so, Drew had agreed with his wife.

"We can tell them whenever you're ready to tell them it's your call." Drew said holding his wife's hand knowing that she had his support 100%. So, Karen just leaned her head into Drew's chest.

"It's always one thing after the other." Karen said feeling a tad bit frustrated. "I know but everything is gonna be alright no matter what happens." Drew said encouraging his wife kissing her on her forehead and after he had kissed her on her forehead they had decided to just go to the doctors office to see what the next steps were or to get a double confirmation of her being pregnant and to see if her other tests results were in since she was so anxious about it.

When they had finally went to the doctors office with just the two of them going since Jacky had took a break and had gone back home leaving Dorinda to take care of their nieces and nephews at Karen's house the couple was trying to prepare for anything that was coming their way.

"Karen Clark Sheard?!" The nurse said calling Karen to the back and so they had walked to the back holding hands as the nurse had led them to the room that Karen was going to be in.

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