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Notes: Karen is one step closer to starting her treatment plan while Faith tries to figure out whats happening with their mother.

(Theme song for this chapter because that's what I thought about while writing this. 😅).

When they were called to the back the doctor had greeted them and they got straight to business discussing what could be done for Karen.

"So after looking at your charts and tests the doctors said it is confirmed that you do have choriocarcinoma." She said and Karen just slowly dropped her head down as if she was a sad puppy feeling the tears swell up in her eyes again.

"What's next to do for my wife since we can't start the treatment right away because we still want this baby?" Drew asked the doctor and so she had just nodded her head looking at him.

"Not the chemotherapy but we can start other treatments to see if it'll slow down the spreading of the cancer." She told him clarifying that.

"Well the next steps are her having surgery to determine where the cancer is in her body and to basically confirm it again which will be a biopsy." She told him. "The biopsy will tell us more about what we need to know about this type of cancer especially since it is aggressive." She told them.

"Now the type of choriocarcinoma that she have is Gestational and it occurs in 0.1% of pregnancies in the United States." She told them letting them know the facts and Drew was just nodding his head letting her know that he was following her.

"And the other type is non-gestational where it can happen in all sexes." She said, "depending on where it formed." She said. Then she went onto explain what could be done in Karen's case as Karen was prepared this time having her own piece of tissue in her hand wiping her tears.

"But like any other cancer this can spread to the other organs of your body depending on how quickly it's moving." She told them. "Mainly it can spread to your lungs, Uterine muscle layer, Liver or Kidneys, Blood vessels, your brain, and lymph nodes." She told them.

"So does this mean that I have to stop my life?" Karen asked her after clearing her throat from crying. "In most cases we don't want the patient to have to feel like they have to completely stop all of their activities or what they're doing. It only happens when their body gets weak from the treatment and they have no choice but to rest because their bodies won't allow them to move like they want too." She told her.

"Now this type of cancer isn't terminal." She said giving them a bit of hope especially Karen. But it can be fatal." She said letting them know the realities of it.

"Now the size of your tumor is concerning especially with you being pregnant its about 5cm as of this moment." She told her looking at Karen's chart and Karen was trying her best to remain calm. "We're monitoring it to make sure to make that it doesn't spread anywhere outside of that for now as long as we could help it." She told her.

"What happens if it starts to spread?" Karen asked her sounding a bit worried.

And, Drew just had to put his hand over his face shaking his head because he really couldn't think about the cancer spreading anywhere else in his wife's body.

But while he was covering his face he was trying to hold himself together but it was all too much for him while the doctor was explaining everything to them what would lead up in these next couple of months, Drew just had to break down in tears for his wife.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now