A surprise

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Notes: The family comes back home from the doctors office as more news is revealed.

After they had left from the doctors office and Faith got the news that she was eight months pregnant Karen was lecturing her in the car about keeping the baby health as could be while she had one more month left to go.

"And I don't ever want you to do something like that again putting my grand baby in danger like that. Don't do that no more, Faith!" Karen said as she had lightly scolded her while they were driving home.

"Okay maaaa how many times are you gonna say it?!" Faith dramatically questioned her.

"Look you might be a mama but that don't mean I can't still whoop you." Karen told her as she had turned her head around in the car while arching her eyebrows and pointing towards Faith.

"I'm just sayin' I got you ma you don't gotta beat me no mo'. I'm a sit myself down. Two kids are enough for me." Faith said as if her second baby was here already in her arms.

So, Karen had turned back in her seat nodding her head making sure that Faith understood where she was coming from.

But while they were driving in the car Karen was getting hot since it was nearing summer time.

"Whewww I'm hot." Karen said as she started messing with her wig in the car trying to get the sticky strands of hair off of her forehead, and Drew kept looking at her being concerned about his wife.

"You good?" Drew asked her turning down the air a little bit more for her.

"I gotta take this thang off." Karen said putting emphasize on off and so it was almost immediately she had snatched her wig off accidentally throwing it to the side of her as it landed on Drew's head nearly startling him as it was somewhat blocking his view from the road.

"Karen. Karen get this wig off of me!" Drew said as he was trying not to panic as he was just flipping the wig without using his hands to get it out of his face and then when they had finally pulled up to a red light Drew had threw the wig in the back letting it land on the girls making them laugh. While Faith was recording the moment when Karen had threw her wig and it landed on top of Drew's head almost perfectly.

"Drewwww don't be throwing my wiggg!" Karen told him as she had turned to look in the backseat only to find Faith wearing her wig.

"Well it shouldn't have landed on me all biggg and curly for no reason. You just had to get the most dramatic wig with you out here in this hot heat why you couldn't get one of your shorter wigs?" Drew had questioned her.

"Well because this wasn't no simple occasion and so I had to look the part." Karen told him being dramatic as well.

"Jesus be a fix cause this woman'is sumthin' else." Drew jokingly said while shaking his head.

"Don't be throwing my wig. That's precious cargo right there." Karen dramatically said to him as she was now wondering about her baby because Faith was thinking she was real cute and nobody could tell her anything.

"Faith you worry me sometimes." Karen jokingly but seriously said while looking at her wearing her wig wrong.

"You still don't got that wig on right." Karen said as she was studying her daughter just shaking her head no while she was biting her finger staring at Faith take pics of herself with the wig on.

"This wig is cute." Faith said patting it on the side of her head.

"Wrong side boo, mama already told you." Nikki said as she smirking at her little sister.

"I don't care the wrong side looks good to me all the time." Faith said as she was just smiling and loving being in her mama's wig.

"Say you don't know how to put on a wig without actually saying it." Nikki sarcastically said with a smile on her face as she was laughing at her sister.

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