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Notes: The family have a meeting at Karen's house about the upcoming changes.

After Dorinda and Karen had found out that they were both pregnant now was time to have a family meeting about what has been going on and just to see where everyone was at as a family.

Which meant that everyone was going over to Karen's house since they had always had the meetings at either Dorinda's or Jacky's house with having the meetings at Karen's it was just right considering that she was now back.

Here they were sitting in the dining room discussing what needed to be talked about.

"So, Dorinda who's this man?" Leo asked his little sister.

"Y'all know him. I'm grown. Y'all already met him before too." Dorinda said as she had crossed her legs and folded her arms.

"Does he go to the church?" Karen asked her as she was leaning back in her chair because even sitting down in a certain way was uncomfortable for her.

"Yeah he do." Dorinda said. "Mh." Karen said nodding her head.

"What was that for?" Dorinda asked her baby sister.

"Nuthin' just wondering about who it is." Karen said as if she was lightly teasing her as she had thought about it some more.

"I know who it is!" Faith said all loudly as she seen her aunties and uncle discussing the new baby that was coming.

"FAITH HUSHHH!" Dorinda playfully hollered at her from up the stairs.

"Chileee so nosy never mind her business." Dorinda said shaking her head.

"How Faith know?!" Karen questioned her.

"Cause she nosy just like her dang mama!" Dorinda playfully hollered again.

"I am not nosy!" Karen said feeling slightly offended even though it was true.

"Yes you are Karen you have a certain degree of nosiness. Faith on the other hand just takes hers to a whole new level." Dorinda told her.

"I found out when I seen a hickey on her neck at her house!" Faith said just hollering from upstairs.

"FAITH GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Dorinda hollered at her.

"Don't be hollering at my baby. COME HEREE FAITH!" Karen said calling her down wanting to know more about this mystery man.

"Now tell me all about this man and how you know about him?!" Karen asked her.

"Well for starters that was when I had left to go to New York. Well before when I was trying to escape my punishment earlier on and I went to her house but she was taking forever and so, I just looked for an extra key somewhere and I let myself in." Faith told her.

"She sure did cause I come downstairs and here she was with my front door open. I was just glad that I had a screen door that was locked." Dorinda said. "Just be coming over to my house for no reason." Dorinda said shaking her head. 

"And then I seen him." Faith said smiling all hard and nodding her head with her lips pursed as if she knew all the tea.

"Mama do you know him?" Karen asked her mama.

"I figure I do." Mattie said turning her head towards Dorinda.

"If it is who I think it is y'all ain't sneaky since he kept coming over a couple of times." Mattie told her.

"I put two and two together. Now it ain't take me long to figure out what you was doing with him." Mattie said eyeing her knee baby.

"Supposed to be in ministry and y'all over there neckin'?!" Mattie said lightly hollering at Dorinda.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now