Quit running

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Notes: Karen goes over to Gia's house to get Faith.

It was the next day and Faith still wasn't home and Karen was gettin' ready to go out and find her.

"I can't believe this girl." Karen said as she was putting on her shoes to go out after she had gotten up early this morning to see if Faith would try to sneak her way back into the house.

Meanwhile Nikki was in her room working on her coursework on a project that she had to work on and she was never glad for a project before in her life because that meant her mama wouldn't question her and so, Nikki had taken full advantage of her classes that day.

However, Karen did question her during breakfast if she knew about Faith's whereabouts and not wanting to stay on her mothers bad side she started thinking to herself. But she also wanted Faith to hurry up and call their mama. But she didn't. So, Nikki had to think about who's house she would even go over now after Faith had dropped the majority of her friends.

"Gia's." Nikki said to herself underneath her breath.

"Who?!" Karen had asked her as she had tilted her head even though she had already knew what she said. But she just wanted Nikki to be sure.

"Uh." Nikki nervously said.

"Mama you know her." Nikki told her not wanting to snitch again.

"Nikki." Karen told her.

"It's Gia mama." She said.

"You know Faith be over there a lot of times if she's not here or at the studio." Nikki told her just shrugging her shoulders.

"Mmhm." She said agreeing with her daughter.

"Well. That's all I needed to know." Karen said as she had gotten up from the table.

"Karen where you goin'?" Drew questioned her knowing that his wife was about to go do something.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be back home later on." Karen told him as she went up the stairs leaving Drew and Nikki by themselves as they both had gave each other a look.

"You wanna go warn Faith?" Drew asked her in a quiet voice as if he was whispering because he ain't know if Karen was still out of the room.

"Nahhhh. I ain't gettin' in trouble again." Nikki said as she had shook her head all quickly.

"She's on her own she gotta fess up. I learned my lesson in helping her with things like this." Nikki said and Drew nodded his head being proud of her just being dramatic.

So, now here they were both upstairs as Karen was getting her purse and her cell phone calling Faith one more time seeing that her phone call was yet again ignored.

"Mmhm let me go over there and get her." Karen said to herself as she had left out of her room going back downstairs. But when she had made it downstairs, Drew had stepped out of his office to talk to his wife.

"Karen." Drew said stopping his wife before she had went out the door and this time she had her wig on her head the one that was like an auburn orange curly hair type color.

" Drew said stopping his wife before she had went out the door and this time she had her wig on her head the one that was like an auburn orange curly hair type color

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