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Notes: Faith is finding it hard to go through life without Ace after her attempt. And we get to see Ace's P.O.V. for the very first time.

It's now been four weeks without Ace and the family is growing into despair today they were going to the local new stations after putting up missing flyers all throughout Detroit and in New York. Karen and Drew had been in New York for about two weeks now searching for their grandson with little to no luck with Faith being with him and De'Andre's family being back in New York. Especially since, Karen had decided that they should go back after Faith's attempt to try to get her mind clear for a bit before going back to looking for Ace.

"I can't believe I can't find my son." De'Andre said getting frustrated with this as he sat down and talked to his parents about it. "Baby look even though you could be hardheaded sometimes and Faith can be as well we gonna find him. But you have to realize you can't do nothing but that custody agreement." She said shaking her head. "I think that Ace should still stay there with them after I had talked it over with her mother." His mama said and De'Andre couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You betta fix yo face." His daddy told him straightening his son out.

"I can't believe y'all are on her side." He complained.

"I mean she does take better care of him. You gotta give her that yeah she might be careless a little bit but she still looks after her son. You know Faith is having a hard time without Ace go easy on her. Have some compassion I hate when you get like this." She said.

"But you have to face the facts that Ace does listen to her more. You gotta take that into consideration. It's not that you're a bad father or don't spend enough time with him it's just that Faith has more control over him than you do." His mother told him. "Dang you right." He said plopping back down on the couch. "I shouldn't be this way to Faith I mean I knew I should've visited her when she was in the hospital. But I just couldn't bring myself to do. And I know that's not an excuse. But it feels like I'm just messing up all my chances with her." De'Andre said opening up to them a little bit.

 "I just miss my son is all." He said feeling sad about it.

Meanwhile at Faith's penthouse Karen had to stay with Faith because she hadn't had a goodnight rest since Nutcase had took Ace and she was worried sick about her son knowing how dangerous he could be and hearing rumors about how he kept his place. She worried every single night that Ace was gonna accidentally hurt himself because he was a toddler who did things that a toddler would do and would get into everything if he could.

"Mommy I can't take it." Faith cried waking up out of her sleep holding herself as if she was gonna be sick but it was just that psychological pain making her physically sick from missing Ace so bad. "I know, baby. I know." Karen said as she was sleeping in the bed with Faith to comfort her throughout the night. Tonight was the first night where Karen had to stay up with Faith all night just so she could go to sleep and Faith was to afraid that her mother would leave her side.

"I'm not going no where." Karen told her hugging her baby letting Faith fall asleep in her arms because that was the only thing that was bringing Faith peace was falling asleep in her mothers arms while Karen had whispered prayers over Faith while she slept keeping Karen awake because Faith would literally cry in her sleep and Karen would just have to wake up her daughter because her daughter would be hurtin' too bad.

But going back to Nutcases apartment, Ace was still up way past his bedtime because Nutcase didn't know how to get him to bed. So he had just let him stay up at any time of the night after yelling at him for being a 2-year old. Of course, Nut case did make Ace cry and Ace didn't take to well too that and would often times call for his nana. Then he would start calling for his mama. 

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