Put it into action

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Notes: Karen and Drew goes over to CJ's apartment to get his confession.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault.

Right after Karen left she had to go back to there hotel to change into her outfit to which she was gonna try to seduce CJ with if she remembered correctly he was a very easy man to get too.

It shouldn't take him much to get him into bed with her but when he started to get a little handsy that's when she was gonna start questioning him because if anything she knew that he didn't liked to be questioned before hand and she wouldn't have even had a chance to step foot into his house. So she had to play it smart and take it a step at a time cause he was one to snap quickly. Which was where Faith had gotten all her anger issues from.

Karen didn't know how she was gonna feel with him seeing her again but she had just hoped that nothing would trigger her programming back on because that was hard enough break already and she didn't know if she could get out of it a second time.

But after she had gotten ready, Drew had looked at his wife knowing that she had looked hella good. But he didn't even want her going to his house dressed liked that knowing what was underneath it after she had buttoned her dress back up. "You sure about this outfit?" Drew asked her wanting her to be a bit more covered. But if she went over to CJ's house dressed as if she was a whole entire missionary or a church lady he wouldn't answer the door.

"Yess, Drew I'm sure I won't let him get that far though. He can only see it not touch it. Those are your privileges." Karen told him as she had straightened her dress back out.

"Okay." He said nodding his head. "So we gonna go in there and go out of there right after you get the confession." Drew told her.

"Yup." She said popping the "p" as she was re-assuring him.

"Okay and the police officers are already there." Drew said. "They're just waiting for us to get there." He told her and Karen had nodded her head okay. So now they were headed out of their hotel room into their car since they had a driver with them.

Once they got to the apartment the driver had stopped a block from across the street not parking directly in it so they wouldn't seem so suspicious letting Karen and Drew out so they could get into the FBI undercover type black van and there they had hooked her up with some small microphones that was put underneath her under clothes to where he would've had to really take off everything and look inside of her bra to actually see that she was bugged.

Then they had attached a little camera in her clothing so they could see where she was at even though Karen had already showed Drew where CJ's apartment was the day before after they had went out on their date after spotting Faith at Toya's place of work.

But needless to say Drew was nervous about his wife going in there after learning some more about CJ and how he operated. He just hoped that everything would go smoothly and it wouldn't get too out of hand but he was sadly mistaken.

But when Karen had got out of the car she had walked from across the street going to his apartment building opening up the door to get too his apartment.

So when she reached his door and had started knocking on it he had swung it open not even caring to look in his peep hole because nobody was supposed to becoming over today and he just wanted to scare who ever it was that was at his door.

Well look what the danggg cat dragged in. CJ said looking at Karen who tried to compose herself so she wouldn't seem as nervous.

"What your fat self want?!" He rudely asked her. "Don't you know I already told that slut daughter of yours not to come back here and I'm a tell you that too?!" He told her.

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