A new leaf

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Notes: Faith makes some hard decisions concerning her and Ace's future.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when the family had finally decided to get out of New York to go back home to Detroit. Now that they had Ace and everything was okay with him, Faith was really considering moving out of New York for good because nothing good really ever happened there except for her record label. And she knew she could always travel back and fourth instead of staying in New York. There were a couple of reasons why she even thought about keeping her penthouse in the first place after she had found her family. But those reasons were juvenile and almost tore her family apart. So there was only a few logical reasons of why she should've kept it.

But now that this kidnapping had happened with Ace it had forced her to grow up a bit and to make some tough decisions while she was riding on her parents private jet back to Detroit.

She didn't want to do it but she knew that it was best for Ace and it wasn't like she was giving him up for adoption or like she would never see him again especially since they would be in the same house as long as she doesn't do anything else that's stupid that would push her mother over the edge that would cause her to get kicked out the house for good.

But when she thought about the benefits that it would bring her and Ace she knew that it was the right choice even though it would hurt her to do it. She had even talked with De'Andre and his parents about it letting them know what her parents had suggested because as soon as they had touched down in Detroit they were going to have that conversation and while Faith was thinking about it she couldn't help but to get emotional because she knew she was still a little immature to even be taking care of a baby at her age.

Yes she was kind of a better parent than De'Andre was but she knew that she had some growing up to do and she knew that she had to cut ties with her friends who were bad influences on her.

The only friend who wasn't was Gia and she was the only one that was actually allowed to come over to the house or to even spend the night with her.

But as for Faith's other friends especially the ones that were mutuals with Nutcase she had to delete all of their numbers off of her phone after she had gave them to the police station to try to help locate Nutcases whereabouts.

Because she had those types of friends that would put her life and her family's life in danger and Faith didn't want to be apart of something like that anymore.

She had enough of dealing with experiences from almost dying and now she just wanted to live life normally and to work on her career without any distractions or huge problems following her.

She was done living the bad girl lifestyle and was more willing to listen to her parents now more than ever since coming back home from New York.

And, even then she was considering to make Detroit her home instead of New York that's just how done she was with NYC.

She didn't even care to go back for it unless it was for work and she wasn't about to send her son down to New York again either until he was of age since the kidnapping had scared her just that bad.

Faith was seriously thinking about making some changes to her life that would keep her and her son protected because this almost broke her.

Now that they were back home in Detroit after getting off of the jet, Ace was welcomed home by his auntie Nikki and cousin N'ylani. Along with J.Drew struggling to get off of the couch and running towards Ace after Karen had put him down with the babies being excited to see each other.

But not only that they had a little surprise for the parents with Kierra standing up next to the couch coming from behind it. "Mama!" Ki called out for her mama after seeing Ace waving hi to him and he ran over to hug her.

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