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Notes: Karen reflects back on what it was like being in the hospital fighting cancer while she's at home resting after beating her battle with cancer and giving birth.

Side note: I can't believe I gave y'all some fluff. Wheww chileeeee I hope y'all will enjoy thissss break y'all get to have for a minute......😭

Once Karen had settled back into her home for the first week after being in the hospital for so long she was glad that she was finally able to sleep in her own warm bed once again.

Of course she wasn't free from it just yet especially since the doctors were still monitoring her but it just wasn't as close as it was before. But they did however say that it was safe for her to go back home.

Now that she was in here she still had to have the help of her family since she was still recovering and the doctors had told her to take it easy since during her pregnancy her heart had actually gotten weak from having to take the chemo to keep the cancer from spreading anymore than it had done. So that was the reason why she had felt so exhausted to the point where they thought it was really time for her to go on home.

However, it wasn't her time to go yet which everyone was glad about.

Even though Karen was in the hospital for a long time she had still kept her spirits up and would actually uplift other patients, visitors, or nurses who were walking throughout the hallway after hearing someone humming or either quietly singing to keep her mind off of how bad the pain was to her.

If anything Karen had carried her pain with grace as much as she could. And when she had came out of it she didn't look like what she had been through.

Because on the last day that they was deciding on whether or not to discharge her she was singing Charles Jenkins Song "War" especially when she had felt better and was able to move more freely around the infusion room. So while she was singing in the room she people were still stopping by to listen to her as she sung these words with the radio turned up a little bit while Jacky had went to go get them some lunch "I got joy in my soul / God is in control / I got satan on my trail/ But I'm singing all is well / He's attacking everyday / But I'm watching while I pray / No matter the attack / I won't turn back / This means war - This means war /This means war - This means war"

Karen had sung this song while unknowingly gathering a mini audience outside out of her hospital room door as she had her hand on her temples when the chemotherapy was working through her.

She didn't realize that she had an audience until Jacky had came back and asked, "What was going on?" Startling Karen while she was in the room and one of the nurses just looked to her and told her that "she have such a powerful voice that they were drawn to her singing and couldn't help but to stop and listen to her singing." And when she had gave Karen that compliment it had made her smile and she said, thank you while they went on about their way.

Even though she wasn't as sick as she was before when she was in the hospital a few of the lingering affects was still there which was why her family wasn't even letting up off of her even though it was okay for her to do some things on her own.

But Karen had gotten used to the treatment and had started to take more advantage of it acting her role as the baby of the family which she was. Even when times did get bad for her like earlier on, when she had realized that she was still going to be stuck in bed for a good minute she had leaned on her family so she wouldn't get sunk into depression again.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now