New Life

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Notes: The babies are born.

It was now close to Karen's and Dorinda's due date and Karen was heading off to the hospital to have her scheduled c-section since it was too risky for her to push.

So now the whole family was there waiting on her delivery of the quadruplets.

"I don't see how Karen can do this over and over again." Dorinda said shaking her head feeling on her stomach while looking down at her pregnant belly.

"Well she's a fighter." Mattie said nodding her head as she was just wondering how Karen did in her first pregnancy ever since Elbert had took her to New York.

Since then she had felt guilty for not being there for a young Karen but she was here now for the rest of Karen's pregnancies.

"But I really can't wait to meet them though." Dorinda said smiling referring to Karen's new babies. "I just hope that they're alright seeing that she's been struggling a little bit with this pregnancy." Dorinda said as they were just talking to each other with the rest of the sisters and Leo.

"I know they will be that's why we was staying on her case about eating right and being healthy this whole entire time so we can reduce the trouble." Mattie told her nodding her head.

"Now what about my other grandbabies?" Mattie had asked, Dorinda while smiling happily at her.

"Well Greg Jr. is doing amazingly well in school." Dorinda said all happily knowing goodness well that Mattie wasn't talking about him first even though she was going to get to him.

"Dorindaaa." Mattie said eyeing her daughter.

"What mama that big headed baby still in there sitting on my uterus, being hard headed not listening to nothing, always got me eating and got me gaining weight." Dorinda complained.

"This is why I ain't miss being pregnant." Dorinda said.

"And my feet be swollen a little bit sometimes too but not like Karen's feet was because that scared me I ain't gonna lie she was going through it with them babies in her." Dorinda said shaking her head not understanding why Karen had loved being pregnant so much.

"I'm just glad I can look down at my feet still and that I don't need no wheel chair like Karen did now that was difficult to see her try to get used too it." Dorinda said knowing that Karen would be hard headed with it.

"Mmhm." Mattie said nodding her head.

"Dorinda you're gonna be fine." Mattie said knowing that Dorinda didn't like being pregnant for a reason.

"And it's not like he's a bad father either." Mattie said having been the only one to meet him because Dorinda was still hiding him from the rest of the family until she was ready to show him around.

"But don't act as if your babies aren't a gift to you." Mattie told her seeing that was how Dorinda was acting.

"But mama if these babies are ruining my life thennn I just have to be honest." Dorinda said not liking this at all and Mattie was just shaking her head.

"Dorinda you do know that you're a wonderful mother too right?" Mattie questioned her while tilting her head to make sure that her daughter got the picture.

"Yeahhh mama I knowww. It's just that I'm a old baby mama like who does that?!" Dorinda said being slightly disappointed in herself for being fresh.

"Like I was really bussin' it wideeee open like going crazyyy?!" Dorinda said as she was about to go on until she had remembered who she was talking too.

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