I can't believe it

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Notes: Karen goes into day 2 for her chemo therapy as the family tries to get used to the new routine.

It was the next day and Karen was finally ready to go to the hospital as she was downstairs getting ready to leave.

Since she could only eat light before going to chemotherapy.

Now that she was back at the hospital again for round 2 of her chemotherapy this time Jacky had brought in some items for Karen to do so she could be distracted from it as much as she possibly could.

Yesterday was the hardest day for Karen since it was her first time getting chemo done. And so the doctors had told them as time goes on she'll start to get used to it in a way. But she won't be all the way used too it. But on the bright side of that she can now know what to expect everyday coming in. She just have to remind herself that once she's knee deep in it her hours would start to change.

So while she was at the hospital getting her chemo done the kids was back at home with Drew and the rest of her siblings. But no one had yet to let Denise know that Karen was taking chemo therapy because Drew didn't want her involved in anymore trouble that she had caused Karen and Karen had felt the same way herself.

If anything Karen had suggested that they keep Denise in the dark after she had woke up in the middle of the night at 2am after feeling a tad bit refreshed as she talked to her husband about what to expect.

So, now here Drew was feeding his babies lunch with Karen's pumped milk that she had done for them ahead of time knowing that she would be in the hospital nearly all day long.

"Come on, J.Drew eat for dada." Drew said doing the airplane to try to get J.Drew to eat but he kept turning his head away from the food and saying "nooooo" rather loudly.

"Drew let me feed him." Twinkie said having to take over again seeing that Drew was struggling with feeding him. "He was much easier when he was a baby and now that he's coming up on toddler age it's like I'm going back to square one again." Drew said seeing Twinkie feed her nephew with ease.

"Well he's picking up on some of the changes that's coming around." Twinkie told him.

"Even though it's only been day two of Karen having to go through chemo he probably just misses his mama's prescene don't you baby boy?!" Twinkie said cooing at him as she got him to eat with him nodding his head.

"How you get him to eat so easily?" Drew asked her. "Well you gotta do it gently and plus he's probably not used to you feeding him all the time like he's used to Karen." Twinkie simply told him.

"If you look like Karen he'll take to eating his food much better which is why we girls never have a problem feeding him. It's because we all look alike in some type of way. Sometimes it's not a lot but it's just enough to get him too listen." Twinkie told him.

So as Twinkie was feeding J.Drew he was kicking his little fit enjoying his breakfast just smiling at his auntie Twinkie with his cute self.

"That's right. I know that food good." Twinkie said making J.Drew smile so he could stop crying for his mama.

Meanwhile, Karen was back in her assigned room again in the hospital as she had the tv on just filling her brain with anything to help keep her distracted from the fact that she had stay in this room for five hours.

Karen had hoped that it wouldn't be to bad.

But yet again it was still a struggle.

Every once in a while as said the nurses would come in every five to minutes. However during one of the occasions Karen was having a nervous breakdown trying to snatch the IV's out of her arm because something just snapped in her mind that it wasn't gonna work. And so her thinking was just all over the place. And even, Jacky had to hold Karen down while they had worked on putting her IV back into her arm carefully since she was so anxious.

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