Catching up on good times

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Notes: The sisters goes over to Karen's house to catch up on what's been happening with her lately.

It was that next day and the sisters were over at Karen's house once again just chatting with each other since things had calmed down. However, Karen had yet to tell Drew what they were having.

She was thinking that she should let this one be a surprise since she as so sure of herself that these babies that she was going to have was going to be her last. Because if anything she wasn't even done with breastfeeding Kia yet and here she was on her way to having more babies and her current baby isn't even six months old yet.

Karen was just thinking to herself how Drew just couldn't wait to get her knocked up during the six week waiting period because that's exactly what happened. He had no self-control and no self-discipline. But who could blame him because she ain't really have none either.

And she couldn't help herself around, Drew especially since he knows all the spots to hit and lick and she would just immediately give in which got her into this predicament in the first place.

So here Karen was reflecting on her past decisions that got her here while listening to her sisters chat since she really couldn't do much needing her blood pressure to remain at a decent
number so it wouldn't skyrocket again.

And Jacky was also making sure after Dorinda had aired, Karen out that she would have the correct meal plans.

Now, Dorinda was talking about something else with her sisters before putting the conversation back onto Karen.

"Kurnnn." Dorinda said looking at her baby sister like something was wrong with her.

"Yes, Doe?!" Karen asked after thinking about everything and how this was gonna play out with the grandparents because they didn't even know what she was having yet. So this was gonna be one huge surprise for everyone involved.

"Ain't yo coochie tired't?!" Doe jokingly asked her making all her sisters laugh including Karen.

"Dorinda what kinda question is that?!" Karen asked her while laughing at the same time.

"One that we all wanna know." Dorinda jokingly said with her baby sister.

"Ain't she tired't?!" Doe asked again. "You be bustin' out a baby every other year not even that it seems like you just give them a month in between or sumthin' the way you two be having kids." Dorinda said not believing that Karen was pregnant again thinking the triplets was gonna be her last babies. But it ended up being another pregnancy on the way.

"Finna have twenty kids runnin' up in hereee." Dorinda dramatically said while shaking her head no.

"Couldn't be me." She said not knowing how Karen does it making everyone laugh again.

"Well I didn't know what was gonna happen." Karen jokingly said shrugging her shoulders.

"So you mean to tell me that everytime that you let Drew stick his ding-a-ling up in you, you wasn't sure that he was gonna knock you up knowing y'all's past history and the fact that neither you nor him likes using condoms to try to keep the babies away while the little ones are still little?!" Dorinda questioned her and so, Karen just dramatically pursed out her lips acting as if she was thinking about it.

"No." Karen simply said while smiling and rubbing her pregnant belly.

"Because every time, Drew sticks his ding-a-ling inside of me or if I get on top wanting to take him on a ride all my senses just fly out the window. At that point I don't be caring that we got one too many kids. I don't be caring that oh I'm a get pregnant again and I literally just had a baby about a month ago. I'm not thinking about that. I'm thinking about his thing being all up inside of me and how good it feels." Karen said as she was just relaxing on her recliner chair that she was using more often since she was pregnant again.

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