The plan that went wrong

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Notes: Karen stops by Faiths house to pick up Ace only to find out that they're both gone.


When they were finally at Faith's penthouse Karen had knocked on the door only for her to be standing out there for five minutes.

"I know this little girl hear me." Karen said taking out the spare key that she had made for Faith's penthouse and she had opened up her door. "Faithhhh?!" Karen said walking into her apartment only to be welcomed by the silence. "This heffa." Karen said not believing her daughter but she knew she couldn't have been surprised.

Meanwhile Faith was somewhere with Ace in a discreet location trying to wait out and hide from her mother knowing that Karen was over at her apartment now. She knew that she couldn't go back too early because knowing her mama she knew that her mama would be waiting on her for her there. So she would just have to sneak back into her own apartment.

"This some booty." Faith said not believing that she was really trying to wait out her own mama trying to hide from her in the city of New York.

"I want nanaaaa." Ace whined being mad at his mama and throwing a temper tantrum because he was been supposed to be with his grandma.

"Well you can't go to her Ace at least not now." Faith told him and Ace had just stomped his little feet at her but she didn't do anything thinking that he would get over it so she had just shrugged her shoulders off at him not really caring about his feelings.

So Ace just whined again going over to sit down in the chair as he played with his tablet knowing that if he had called his nana again then his mama might try to take him somewhere else so it was as if Ace was catching onto what she was doing and he was getting agitated with her.

Back at Faith's penthouse, Karen was looking all over her daughters apartment trying to find any clues as to where she had gone to so she could meet her there. But she didn't find anything so she had called Nikki to get her to call Faith so she can find out for her.

"Hello?" Nikki said as she had answered the phone for her mama.

"Heyy baby I need you to call your sister for me." Karen said as she was standing up in Faith's room looking around for any type of information if it told where she might've gone too.

"Why what happened?!" Nikki asked her. "That heffa done left after I told her not to leave so I can get Ace and we can come back home to Detroit." Karen told her.

"His baby bag is gone too. So I know this girl is tryin' to run from me again. She's not even feeding Ace like she's supposed too. I don't even think she knows how to take care of a baby." Karen told her.

"Okay mama don't get upset I'll find out where she's at for you okay?!" Nikki told her wanting her mama to calm all the way down because she knew that her mama was pregnant.

"Thank you baby pleaseee let me know because it's getting dark over here." Karen told her.

So, Nikki had hung up the phone after talking to her mama and she had immediately called her little sister.

"Hellooooo?!" Faith said all cheerfully for Nikki and Nikki was just shaking her head behind her phone.

"FAITHHH!" Nikki playfully hollered at her lowkey scaring Faith.

"Girl what is it?!" Faith asked her.

"GURLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" Nikki said being dramatic.

"Girl what?!" Faith not knowing what was going on.

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