Did you hear anything?

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Notes: Karen and Drew have a conversation about what's going to happen while going to the doctors and Faith questions Nikki on if she knows anything about their mother.

After they had found out the news about Karen's current condition for her health, Drew had immediately starting researching what more they could do for her to help prevent the cancer from spreading so fast. However not much was found and he had a host of questions for the doctor which he was glad that they were going to go see today because they were going to go more in depth about what her treatment options were especially since she couldn't start it right away. They had to wait until the baby was about three months so it had a good chance of surviving. Because if they had started the treatment plan to soon while she was pregnant there was a risk that she could lose this one too and neither of them wanted that to happen.

So here they were following the doctors orders of not trying to rush the plans that she had needed to go through they both knew that this was going to be a rough process for the both of them.

But not only that they had no idea how they were going to tell the family or if they were even going to tell them at all.

"Drew what we gonna do?" Karen said after she had just got done vomiting in the bathroom again for the third time that day.

"I can't let them know that I'm pregnant again." Karen said shaking her head. "I can't even let them know that-" Karen said stopping right before she had got to the c-word because now it was about to be all too real for her. So she started sniffling and he had came over to comfort her letting her rest her head in his arms.

"We don't gotta tell them anything and I'm not gonna force you to because I know that this is hard enough as it is to deal with already. So whenever you're ready to speak about it to them I'm behind you 100%." Drew told her not wanting his wife to be stressed out so he was doing everything in his power to take care of her while he could.

"It's like what I told you before I'm not forcing you to do anything that you don't want to do because you don't need to be stressed out anymore than you already are." He said knowing that every since they got the news that Karen has been stressing.

"Okay." Karen sadly said with Drew just holding his wife's hands while he softly rubbed them trying to make her feel better as he had kissed her on her cheeks.

"Now let's get ready to go." He said as he had slowly gotten up since Karen was laying on him.

So they had got ready to go letting Nikki know that they were leaving.

But when they had left, Faith had walked right into her sisters room barging in without even knocking on the door.

"Well excuseee you." Nikki said sizing her little sister up wanting to know who Faith thought she was.

"I'm excuseddd." Faith dramatically said while tilting her head and all Nikki could do was laugh at her because Faith really busted in her room like she owned it.

"What's going on with mama?!" Faith asked her putting both hands on her hips.

"What do you mean?" Nikki asked her not exactly sure about what Faith was getting at. "You already know she had the miscarriage." She said scrunching up her face at her because Faith was on her detective mess again.

"Nikki." Faith said folding her arms while looking at her older sister.

"Faithhhh." Nikki said lightly hollering at her. "Stop being nosyyyy." Nikki told her.

"I know you be hearing their conversations whenever mama and Drew be talkin'." Faith said as she had sat down in her sisters comfortable chair while Nikki was at her desk chair where her laptop and desktop was located at.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now