What happened P2?

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Notes: A continuation from the last chapter the family's reaction.

"What you gotta tell us?" Dorinda asked her being the first one to speak up breaking the ice. Because the longer Faith waited the speak the more awkward and more suspenseful it was gonna be and everything was already intense.

"Uhh." Faith started to nervously say as she was looking around at her family almost as if she was waiting for someone.

"Faith what's going on?" Denise asked her trying to sound concern. But right before Faith could say anything there was a knock on their door and Faith had ran to open it up letting Dr.Womack in their house and Faith had never been so glad to see her in her life.

"Dr.Womack?!" The family said altogether shocked that she was there and Karen was looking at Faith like why did she even call her.

But Karen had remembered how poorly her family reacts to certain things and so she knew that Dr.Womack being here was a smart thing to do. So she was proud of her daughter for calling her in this time of need even though she didn't show it.

"Uh, you can have a seat Faith was just about to tell everyone about why they're here." Karen told her mustering up those words as she had wiped her face again because she didn't realize that she had started to silently cry again right when Denise had asked Faith what was going on.

So the family knew that Karen was stressed out because of her delayed reaction to her own tears.

So Karen had just walked over towards the end of the couch letting Faith tell them what happened.

"Umm. I don't know how to really say this." Faith started to tell them all nervously with her trying to act as if her hands weren't shaking due to the fear that she was feeling.

"But umm." She said with her voice cracking a little bit and they had never seen Faith get this emotional and even Dorinda knew that this had to be serious if Faith was showing any signs of emotions other than anger.

"Ace is gone." Faith told them messing with her finger nails as she started to pick them because of a developing nervous happen.

"What you mean gone?!" Dorinda asked her immediately getting the wrong idea of it not understanding what she meant by that hoping that she had the wrong idea.

And Jacky thought her heart was gonna drop to her stomach when Faith had said that and Twinkie was just in shock not knowing what to say as her hand was placed over her chest as if she was about to have a heart attack and Denise just had a concerned look on her face.

And, Dr.Womack even lifted her head up at Faith not knowing what she was talking about because she was finding out about what happened to Ace the same time as everybody else.

"I-I mean. What I mean by gone is that...he's been kidnapped." Faith told them and now everybody's hearts literally dropped and Mattie had felt something fling her back in her seat.

"Mama!" Karen said rushing over to her mother with the siblings surrounding her.

"Back up off of me." Mattie said finally catching her breath because that's what happened her breath had literally almost left her body when Faith said that. Now she needed some air because everyone was crowding her.

"I'm fine. I'm fine!" Mattie lightly hollered at them to back up so she could gather herself.

"What happened?! How did that happen?!" Mattie asked Faith wanting to know what happened to her great-grandson.

"Um. I was over at a friends house trying to avoid mama and then something happened between that and someone took Ace. I tried to stop them.
I even ran after them and tried finding them my ownself!" Faith told them.

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